200 Cuban Doctors arriving to Help with Corona Virus Crisis

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And thanks for the snark, very well played, some people get it, some don't (Like the famous WW1 sign in the German trenches, "Zum Understand", graffitoed by the English as "Some don't")
Was meant to be "Zum Unterstand", scheiss Autokorrektur :-(
I've been to Cuba and the medical system there is grossly overhyped.

Maybe they can send Che back to inforce the quarantine rules.
Well, I think politician are thinking in advance in having replacements for the casualties in the first line.
Any complain, sign this:F6EA9D7F-49D4-456D-9DDA-7A920ECB409C.jpeg
Doctors in Cuba make about U$D 30.00 a month. Many end up driving cabs or working in the tourist industry. Anybody who thinks that Cuba is doing this for humanitarian reasons is very naive.This would have never happened under Macri.
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Doctors in Cuba make about U$D 30.00 a month. Many end up driving cabs or working in the tourist industry. Anybody who thinks that Cuba is doing this for humanitarian reasons is very naive.

Naive,,? worse than that all this trafficking of doctors is done through some overseas middlemen (with porous hands) that pocketed over US$75 million in the past .
Those that believe in humanitaria help also Believe Cuba is a democracy and China also a Democracy (in spite of having a semi capitalist economy).
Include Norht Korea and Guatemala.. Some also believe the Earth is flat.
Naive,,? worse than that all this trafficking of doctors ...

I guess there is no point to argue with "Duck and cover" generation. It is just an irrational hatred of everything Cuban.

A Cuban victim of doctor's trafficking is getting ready to perform COVID-19 tests in Argentina lab.

I guess there is no point to argue with "Duck and cover" generation. It is just an irrational hatred of everything Cuban.

A Cuban victim of doctor's trafficking is getting ready to perform COVID-19 tests in Argentina lab.

View attachment 6848

If some politicians would admit that Cuba et.al are a failure, then they would be out of a job.."
Can always blame it on the Blockade..!
Cuba is a failure, but refusing to accept help from Cuba in a critical situation is plain stupid.

Can call stupid the Medical Associations in Italy and Argentina that NOW claim that Cuban doctors are Expensive , inexperienced and not necessary?
Who's to dispute their qualified opinion its Lunatic..!
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