21F Wanting to Move to BA after Grad - legal help?


Jun 20, 2024
Hi all,

I am from the US and set to graduate university in Spring 2025. Since it is a year out, I wanted to start planning my move now. Ideally I would moved to BsAs right after graduation and have a remote job earning in USD. Question--how should I go about this in a legal sense? Should I just move without a visa or anything and see when I get there?

For context, I can speak fluent Spanish and I have been to Argentina four times (duration ranging from 10 days to two months) in the past 2 years if that helps. I tried doing research but I am completely lost and need guidance on how to be able to live there long-term--maybe I could apply for a digital nomad visa? Any way to jump right into permanent residency/citizenship?

Thank you so much in advance for any guidance you can give:)
You can find posts by the citizenship attorney Bajo_cero2 by entering that user name in a search here.

Question--how should I go about this in a legal sense? Should I just move without a visa or anything and see when I get there?

If you read enough posts by Bajo_cero2, you will probably "move" to Argentina and receive a 90 day tourist permit upon entry, just like you have previously done. Then you can just begin to live here and proceed with the course of action that you choose.

...maybe I could apply for a digital nomad visa?
I believe that you must apply for and receivea the DNV prior to arrival in Argentina. It will get you a DNI and it will immediately put you on the radar tax-wise. I am not sure if you can have DNV for two years while you satisfy.the "physical presence" requiremet for citizenship. It might actually cost you considerably more in taxes during those two years than you would have to pay even the most expensive citizenship lawyer to have presented your case to the court two years earlier.

Any way to jump right into permanent residency/citizenship?
Marry an Argentine citizen or permanent resident, become the parent of a child born in Argentina, or pay a lawyer who specializes in citizenship for extranjeros without a DNI to start your citizenship case as soon after you arrive as you desire.
Hi....I am not you...I am older and my situation is different. So...come here....move to Palermo.....and meet people your age and from their experience you will learn what is available in terms of staying here. Too many generalizations can be offered on this site....well intentioned but better for you to interact with others closer to your situation. And you will meet a ton of friends in similar situations as yours. Lawyers are terribly unreliable....will give you conflicting information.....and in the end a reliable friend may offer a way to do immigration on your own. So again...don't 'jump' into anything.....stay anonymous as far as any government anything until you know your way around. Keep your U.S. address and bank accounts (let your bank believe you are in the U.S.) Good luck.