I have never understood the complaints about this, have these people ever been to a hospital in CABA?
All the doctors and nurses and xray techs are Bolivian, Paraguayans, Brazilians, etc. and I'm not just talking about public hospitals like Rividavia, but also private ones like Favoloro and Britanico too. Do these people think students from these countries will take on debt to go to school here, and then stay after college working for pitiful salaries in the public hospital system? All the Argentine graduates of UBA sure as shit don't, they move to Spain or the US as soon as they can, especially in recent years.
My personal opinion is that since society needs doctors, and they're a social good, their education should be paid for by the state provided they:
- Remain in the country for say at least 10 years?
- Maybe they can reduce this to 5 years if they go to the areas with the most need for doctors? (Rural Jujuy/Salta/Chaco/Patagonia, poor parts of GBA, etc.)
We need more doctors, not less in Argentina, but hey, let's cut off our noses to spite our faces apparently...
@nikad I'm curious to here your POV as a practicing nurse here