31 Years Ago Today The Belgrano Was Sunk.

The Iraq invasion has besmudged the US's reputation and unfortunately the US military as well. It is a legacy that cannot be forgotten.

On this part we certainly agree, especially about the US' reputation. I've posted my opinion about the Iraq War in other threads. Let's drink a beer to having the freedom to voice our opinions and disagree vehemently in public! :)
As if "God" and "souls" were anything other than figments of the imagination.

Hardly seems like a good place to profess your atheism , while at the same time being insensitive to that which others have the choice to freely believe. Usually because of someone else's sacrifice. If you wish to start your own thread regarding your beliefs , or lack thereof , have at it.
The way that many of the Vietnam Veterans where treated was reprehensible. Most were drafted and many did not want to go. The fact that some were spit upon and other insults when they returned is a great disgrace. Maybe there is an analog here to the Argentine Falklands veterans.

On the other hand soldiers that volunteer, many because they fell victim to propaganda about serving your country and being poorly educated.

Or much worse, many joined for bonuses and education money. And then went on to participate in unwarranted invasions in foreign lands where innocent civilians were killed. Sorry but those don't deserve respect or anything else - they are mercenaries.
Wow, strong statement my friend. Easy to condemn the grunt soldier for atrocities. Hard to explain how deep relationships become among soldiers, airmen and sailors when they go off to war. Some do crazy stuff when they see their friends meet their maker. The whole thing is so sad. Forgive them and mutter something like, " but for the grace of God go I."
Not reported locally as far as I can see.
She's so tiresome and reminds me of the blind man in the darkened room looking for the black cat that isn't there.
The Iraq invasion has besmudged the US's reputation and unfortunately the US military as well. It is a legacy that cannot be forgotten.

It began way before than Iraq invassion. Vietnam? Korea? Israel? it was very hard to stop the killing industry they had created in WWII, and since then it didnt stop growing.
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Hardly seems like a good place to profess your atheism , while at the same time being insensitive to that which others have the choice to freely believe. Usually because of someone else's sacrifice. If you wish to start your own thread regarding your beliefs , or lack thereof , have at it.

Religion is not part of the solution to anything. Rather, it's a large part of the problem, which helps many people avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.