31 Years Ago Today The Belgrano Was Sunk.

What anyone believes or doesn't believe about God and Souls or the validity of war should have nothing to do with the respect that was paid for the men who died.
What anyone believes or doesn't believe about God and Souls or the validity of war should have nothing to do with the respect that was paid for the men who died.
The way that many of the Vietnam Veterans where treated was reprehensible. Most were drafted and many did not want to go. The fact that some were spit upon and other insults when they returned is a great disgrace. Maybe there is an analog here to the Argentine Falklands veterans.

On the other hand soldiers that volunteer, many because they fell victim to propaganda about serving your country and being poorly educated.

Or much worse, many joined for bonuses and education money. And then went on to participate in unwarranted invasions in foreign lands where innocent civilians were killed. Sorry but those don't deserve respect or anything else - they are mercenaries.
Or much worse, many joined for bonuses and education money. And then went on to participate in unwarranted invasions in foreign lands where innocent civilians were killed. Sorry but those don't deserve respect or anything else - they are mercenaries.

You would be describing 95% of the US Military, including me. I joined the service out of a very high sense of duty to my country and participated in "unwarranted" invasions of foreign lands where civilians were killed. Everyone I served with had a very high sense of duty. In addition, I got bonuses for extending my tours - however, I declined the education money because I thought other guys I served with needed it more than I did. I was able to pay for my own education.

I respect your opinion on this subject. However, I believe your analogy to mercenary is incorrect. I've known mercenaries and they are a very different breed.
What anyone believes or doesn't believe about God and Souls or the validity of war should have nothing to do with the respect that was paid for the men who died.

We can easily deplore these unnecessary deaths, and place the blame on the thugs of the Proceso, without any need to indulge in fairy tale explanations of the same.
The way that many of the Vietnam Veterans where treated was reprehensible. Most were drafted and many did not want to go. The fact that some were spit upon and other insults when they returned is a great disgrace. Maybe there is an analog here to the Argentine Falklands veterans.

On the other hand soldiers that volunteer, many because they fell victim to propaganda about serving your country and being poorly educated.

Or much worse, many joined for bonuses and education money. And then went on to participate in unwarranted invasions in foreign lands where innocent civilians were killed. Sorry but those don't deserve respect or anything else - they are mercenaries.

Rather than mercenaries, those who joined for bonuses and education money may have had no other options. We can sympathize with their needs while, at the same time, deploring those who sent them to their deaths.
You would be describing 95% of the US Military, including me. I joined the service out of a very high sense of duty to my country and participated in "unwarranted" invasions of foreign lands where civilians were killed. Everyone I served with had a very high sense of duty. In addition, I got bonuses for extending my tours - however, I declined the education money because I thought other guys I served with needed it more than I did. I was able to pay for my own education.

I respect your opinion on this subject. However, I believe your analogy to mercenary is incorrect. I've known mercenaries and they are a very different breed.
I respect your opinion as well. Indeed it use to be my own. And certainly it is the opinion of from the left to the right in the US to respect veterans unconditionally.

I no longer believe this because with just a little research you have find many cases of atrocities carried out by US soldiers. Many soldiers come back suffering from post traumatic stress. How many of them are suffering because they participated in what they later felt was an atrocity - I don't know. But I hazard the number is significant. I certainly counsel any young person contemplating joining the military to appreciate that there is a chance they will be involved in atrocities that will scar them for life. Is it worth a $10K bonus.

The US military is like drugs - "JUST DON"T DO IT"

The Iraq invasion has besmudged the US's reputation and unfortunately the US military as well. It is a legacy that cannot be forgotten.