6 peso diet


Aug 8, 2012
I came across this article that is both funny but also infuriating. It's about how the Argentine government claims that a person can survive on 6 pesos a day for food. I think we all know that's impossible!


What do you think is a normal amount for 1 person to spend per day?
I would say that a person that eats very basic things and is careful with money can eat at home for about 20 pesos per day. This would be 3 meals and maybe a merienda as well. These would be using supermarket products, with limited amounts of dairy and meat. If you include meat, fiambres, or prepared foods, you are probably looking at around 40 pesos per day, per person. If you are talking about eating meals out, a very basic lunch out is about 50 pesos and basic dinner 75 pesos without alcoholic drinks of course.

Yesterday I bought, 1 container of "queso blanco", 250 gr calabaza, 250gr potatoes, 250gr carrots, 2 pkgs of spinach and 1 head of garlic. At the carnicería I bought 1kg of cuadril. Total 63 pesos. This was enough for sunday night and tonight's dinner for both of us. Comes to $15,75 per meal and that is not counting the oil, salt, spices used for cooking and the iced tea (unsweetened, made from tea bags) that we drank. So truly about $20 pesos per person per meal. Not even close to the $6 pesos per day that the government is talking about.
Tonights healthy dinner: vegetables 16 pesos, bag of slighty healthier 'made with spinach' pasta, 10 pesos. Could have bought brown rice instead of pasta which is 5.50 a bag, so yeah 20 pesos can be done, but that's just dinner and maybe one piece of fruit. Six pesos is what one avocado costs these days. Depends on what you buy! Mate helps kill the hunger a lot!
you ate a whole bag of pasta for dinner? 16 pesos of vegetables and 10 pesos of pasta should last 3 meals at least.
No two people -- but with olive oil and spices, garlic and drink it works out to about Ar20.
My 6 peso healthy diet, buy a $5 peso tray of chopped veggies from the fruit stand ad a handful of rice ad water and prepare soup for lunch, save half for dinner!. Will keep you lean and mean.
Rich One said:
My 6 peso healthy diet, buy a $5 peso tray of chopped veggies from the fruit stand ad a handful of rice ad water and prepare soup for lunch, save half for dinner!. Will keep you lean and mean.

You've been spying on me!

But they charged me $6 for the veggies so I had to forfait the rice.
Payed $7 for 1l water; salt and cooking gas are not free either.
Must be doing something wrong and I'm hungry, so I concurr on the lean and mean.
688 pesos a month is enough to cover a families basic nutritional needs providing they shop here: http://www.alcentral.com.ar/precios-minoristas.html

This number is about establishing an absolute measure of poverty. A family which can not afford 688 pesos a month will be malnourished, as they can not cover the cost of basic nutrition.

The "6 pesos a day" story has been one of the most cynically reported stories I've seen in the Argentine media to date. Its not about what the average family spends. Good to see the economist parroting spin.
We all know that its not possible to eat for 6 pesos a day, but what i dont get is that no one calls the gov out on this kind of crap at all.
Back home if someone in gov tried to spin this lie the media would be having a field day and would be asking the person who made the statement to prove it.. but not here, the apathetic population just go along with all the crap !!!!
Iznogud said:
You've been spying on me!

But they charged me $6 for the veggies so I had to forfait the rice.
Payed $7 for 1l water; salt and cooking gas are not free either.
Must be doing something wrong and I'm hungry, so I concurr on the lean and mean.

Welcome to the "Minestrone Society of Argentina".....:D