Yes agreed...but all is not clear yet with the Japanese company that runs these highly disciplined as the Japanese may be there are quite a few nuclear specialists who are not happy with what they are seeing..there's too much zigzagging & there's no firm confirmation that those cores are stable yet. Some experts are getting more nervous as the hours go by...I just heard that we've now had a 3rd explosion.
THis is reactor number 2 that has been overheating & so far they say it should not have breached the containment casing.
On to the original earth quake details now, Perry & others were 'debating' on the subject of frequency & strength of recent quakes vs historical records etc....what I'm wondering about here is something that has been discussed on MSNBC a few hours ago,...and they brought up the fact that the pacific ring of fire has almost done it's full circle so to speak in total layman's terms..I know I'm being to simplistic in describing it but the issue they highlighted was that Chile, NZ, Japan have all had their plate movements leaving on part of that ring still to complete...and this part is the North Eastern part - LA/Seattle/Canada etc.
I know the St Andrea's fault is overdue now.... with great respect & sensitivity to our North American brothers & sisters....I dearly hope that you guys are preparing well for it now. I don't mean to alarm or scare anyone but this is starting to look a little scary.
How will we all be feeling in 12 months time?
Can anyone shed some light on what the situation is like up there in Western USA in regards to Earth Quakes & all the possible dynamics?
It would be interesting to hear your views, especially if you are from the region.
EDIT: Latest news at 12.38am Tues 15th - Hydrogen explosion on reactor number 4!
Like I suspected, this thing is getting out of the Japanese Government is saying that the radiation levels have gone up high enough to become a health risk...this is the first time that they put out this announcement.
"Japan's prime minister has called for calm after the country's nuclear emergency took a dramatic turn for the worse this morning.
Radiation levels at the plant spiked to health-threatening levels after a "huge" explosion hit the Fukushima plant's overheated No. 2 reactor and authorities said they were assuming the reactor container had been damaged.
A hydrogen explosion has now occurred at Fukushima No. 4 reactor, Kyodo reports, following explosions at reactors 1, 2 and 3. Authorities earlier confirmed the No. 4 reactor, which contains spent fuel rods, had caught fire."
esllou said:
let's be thankful they are so well prepared. If this had hit somewhere like mexico, indonesia, etc, we would have been looking at 200,000 dead. It looks like it might only be 5-10,000, awful though that is.