90 Day Extension Fee To Double. Will Other Fees Also Go Up?


Jul 27, 2006
It has been reported that the $300 peso fee for the 90 day extension of the tourist visa will double on March first.

Does anyone have any information about possible increases in the overstay fee (now $300 pesos)?

Earlier this afternoon I posted this in another thread:

I believe that the last time the extension fee increased from $100(?) to $300 pesos the overstay fine increased from $50 (?) to its present level of $300 pesos.

I think that was also when the resident visa fees increased from $200 to $600 pesos. I would expect the overstay fee to increase (at least double) in the near future...if it doesn't also go up on the 1st of March.

If (on the 1st of March) there is also an increase of the current $600 peso fee for the resident visas it should be visible on the migraciones website next week. It is also possible (more than likely) that there will be an concomitant increase in the income requirement for the visa rentista and visa pensionado.
Today I was at Migraciones and they were talking about the rise on the cost.
Last time I went to Migraciones there was a huge poster (near the Informes) showing the new prices. There were about 20 categories so I don't remember everything, but I am sure that if we know the law number, we can read about the fees online.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much. People reading this forum can afford to pay twice or more the current prices.
The income requirement for the visa rentista is still $8,000 pesos per month (as of 8 PM tonight).

The fee for permanent residency (included in the list of required documents) is $1200 pesos (double the previous rate).

I did not see a fee specified for temporary residency (or renewals) but it is probably now $1200 pesos as well.
The overstay fee was one of the few stable prices in Argentina :D
I just found out that the Argentos consulate not be represented in San Francisco but the nearest ones is in Los Angeles.
I wanting to take proof of income from SS pension to be translated in Argentinean consulate but did not really wanting to
go all way down to La-la land for its translation and so on. Have tried a few times e-mailing them if possible to send my SS
income proof copy over the mail but understandably no reply !

Wanting to ask to steveinbsas and Khairy expat person too, if, after me getting the certified translation then if is possible to send
for the provisional residence application to Argentos imigracion by mail or email? Wanting to start the application process in advance.
Do you persons there in the know,think this process is applicable? I do have an address already there in Bs As as residence, an acquaintance of mine is willing to receive my mails in behalf. Any advise ?
I just found out that the Argentos consulate not be represented in San Francisco but the nearest ones is in Los Angeles.
I wanting to take proof of income from SS pension to be translated in Argentinean consulate but did not really wanting to
go all way down to La-la land for its translation and so on. Have tried a few times e-mailing them if possible to send my SS
income proof copy over the mail but understandably no reply !

Wanting to ask to steveinbsas and Khairy expat person too, if, after me getting the certified translation then if is possible to send
for the provisional residence application to Argentos imigracion by mail or email? Wanting to start the application process in advance.
Do you persons there in the know,think this process is applicable? I do have an address already there in Bs As as residence, an acquaintance of mine is willing to receive my mails in behalf. Any advise ?

If it was possible for you to get your visa in San Francisco that would be one thing, and even if it was possible to get it in LA it isn't worth the extra effort compared to getting it in BA. You may never receive a reply from the LA consulate, not even a polite reply informing you it isn't possible or how to do it if it is.

It will be relatively easy for you to get the visa pensionado after your arrival and if you are applying based on Social Security benefits you have nothing to worry about. Be sure that your FBI report is less than 60 days old when you present it along with the other documents.

Once you are here you will be able to get your SS benefits letter translated by a certified translator and legalized as required by law. Be sure it has the Apostille from the USA!

There is no way to get the Argentine criminal background report without being in Argentina. You cannot apply for it remotely. You'll also need a certificado de domicilio or a utility bill in your name showing your address in Argentina.

If you need someone to go with you to migraciones to act as a translator there is a member of the group (Patricia) who has helped several others fly through the process for a very modest fee. She went with me when I first applied for my residency and for the first renewal. I went on my own for the second renewal and the "upgrade" to permanent residency on the third.
If it was possible for you to get your visa in San Francisco that would be one thing, and even if it was possible to get it in LA it isn't worth the extra effort compared to getting it in BA. You may never receive a reply from the LA consulate, not even a polite reply informing you it isn't possible or how to do it if it is.

It will be relatively easy for you to get the visa pensionado after your arrival and if you are applying based on Social Security benefits you have nothing to worry about. Be sure that your FBI report is less than 60 days old when you present it along with the other documents.

Once you are here you will be able to get your SS benefits letter translated by a certified translator and legalized as required by law. Be sure it has the Apostille from the USA!

There is no way to get the Argentine criminal background report without being in Argentina. You cannot apply for it remotely. You'll also need a certificado de domicilio or a utility bill in your name showing your address in Argentina.

If you need someone to go with you to migraciones to act as a translator there is a member of the group (Patricia) who has helped several others fly through the process for a very modest fee. She went with me when I first applied for my residency and for the first renewal. I went on my own for the second renewal and the "upgrade" to permanent residency on the third.

steveinbsas, thank you very much. Your are always prompt and explicit in your response to any question!

What do this mean? (Be sure it has the Apostille from the USA!)
My SS benefit letter is obtained by just going to my SS web site then printing the income letter.

What exact is "apostille" means?
Do I have to go to the SS office and have them stamp my benefit letter?..

El servicio de tal "Patricia" como interprete, cuanto me costaria para que ella me ayudase en mi caso para peticion de residencia?
Si no es muy caro, claro que podria acudir cuya asistencia. Vos usaste a ella?