A major violation of human rights for those 70+

As an over-70 person, I would like to thank those who want to run errands and shop for me and all
the other things, but I would also like to have the option to do it myself. I am fortunate in having
all my faculties (except, I admit, when I read some of the things written here), and would like to
know that I can continue to take advantage of them. I have to doubt that anyone is going to stop
me on the street and tell me to go home. At least I hope not! Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

You are right and I can only say that I am deeply ashamed of Argentina for this. It is a return to the mentality of the dictatorship. And it is entirely UNNECESSARY. If you are citizens of another country it might be a good time to leave.
Why don't all you seniors organize a protest march? Every other aggrieved population in Buenos Aires does it.

I'm getting a visual. 1 million seniors show up Monday at the obelisk at noon.

Many might just ignore the law. Will they arrest those who won't comply with tyranny? Maybe. A return to the dictatorship. And if I understand, this house arrest will continue until there is a vaccine which could be one and a half to two years or possibly more. Meanwhile many, if not most, will get depressed and some may commit suicide.
Many might just ignore the law. Will they arrest those who won't comply with tyranny? Maybe. A return to the dictatorship. And if I understand, this house arrest will continue until there is a vaccine which could be one and a half to two years or possibly more. Meanwhile many, if not most, will get depressed and some may commit suicide.
Personally, what the government is doing makes me feel safer, likely to survive the crisis along with a lot of Argentines as the government and scientists work to control the spread of infections and death from the coronavirus but hey, If you are a citizen of this country maybe it might be a good time to leave because look what they're doing to fools who violate the cuarentena....
Personally, what the government is doing makes me feel safer, likely to survive the crisis along with a lot of Argentines as the government and scientists work to control the spread of infections and death from the coronavirus but hey, If you are a citizen of this country maybe it might be a good time to leave because look what they're doing to fools who violate the cuarentena....

Are you 70+? If so, is being locked in your home until a vaccine is created (at least one and a half years, maybe two) OK with you? Remember, we are not talking about singling out one group of people and suppressing the same rights that everyone else has. We are not talking about violating universal quarantine norms. The city government are saying that someone who is perfectly healthy, ambulatory and wants to go to work (many people over 70 work!) or particulate in social activities as they open up for everyone else MAY NOT do so. How on earth does this make you feel safer? And how on earth do you think this is anything but a discriminatory act? And, yes, any citizen 70+ who can leave the country or live outside CABA should give it serious thought, unfortunately most cannot do so for economic reasons or if they want to go abroad they cannot get a visa. Some wealthy people, however, have second homes outside the city, on the coast or in Uruguay. They can leave. As usual, the less privileged will suffer - and of course politicians will never be subject to such confinement.
Are you 70+? If so, is being locked in your home until a vaccine is created (at least one and a half years, maybe two) OK with you? Remember, we are not talking about singling out one group of people and suppressing the same rights that everyone else has. We are not talking about violating universal quarantine norms. The city government are saying that someone who is perfectly healthy, ambulatory and wants to go to work (many people over 70 work!) or particulate in social activities as they open up for everyone else MAY NOT do so. How on earth does this make you feel safer? And how on earth do you think this is anything but a discriminatory act? And, yes, any citizen 70+ who can leave the country or live outside CABA should give it serious thought, unfortunately most cannot do so for economic reasons or if they want to go abroad they cannot get a visa. Some wealthy people, however, have second homes outside the city, on the coast or in Uruguay. They can leave. As usual, the less privileged will suffer - and of course politicians will never be subject to such confinement.
Sergio you need a Pity party. One for your need to be a drama queen. Two for not understanding the new requirement for people over 70. And three for outright lying about people being locked in their homes. We have seen a ton of sensationalist BS on this forum, but yours goes to the top of the class. Surely there's some place else you can go to spread your ranting and stop trying to misinform extrañjeros. Or just stand on a balcony and beat a pot. Surely you will be calling 147 to express yourself and get correct information on this aspect of the cuarentena which is meant to protect us all.
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Sergio you need a Pity party. One for your need to be a drama queen. Two for not understanding the new requirement for people over 70. And three for outright lying about people being locked in their homes. We have seen a ton of sensationalist BS on this forum, but yours goes to the top of the class. Surely there's some place else you can go to spread your ranting and stop trying to misinform extrañjeros. Or just stand on a balcony and beat a pot. Surely you will be calling 147 to express yourself and get correct information on this aspect of the cuarentena which is meant to protect us all.

I am mot 70+ to begin with. Since you say that I am mistaken about the law, please clarify if for me. Maybe you can send a link. If it does not require permission to leave, then I am wrong so please post information to correct any misconceptions I may have, if that is the case. And if I am correct, why have many intellectuals signed a petition against 147?
If it is a completely voluntary program without negative consequences then more power to them. There are many elderly who can benefit from volunteers helping them. It is the reported sanctions that originally got my dander up. Unfortunately there will likely be confusion about what one can and can't do, and then you have the cop wannabee porteros to complicate everything.

It's in no way voluntary. If you don't comply you will be fined and made to perform some community service. If this seems a reasonable measure to people on this site, if they really think that healthy people 70+ do not deserve the same rights as younger people, then I really give up even trying to appeal to their common sense and respect for human dignity. I don't understand how expats who come from democratic countries can be in accord with anti democratic and unnecessary measures like this. https://www.perfil.com/noticias/soc...-caba-mayores-70-anos-necesitan-permiso.phtml
It's in no way voluntary. If you don't comply you will be fined and made to perform some community service. If this seems a reasonable measure to people on this site, if they really think that healthy people 70+ do not deserve the same rights as younger people, then I really give up even trying to appeal to their common sense and respect for human dignity. I don't understand how expats who come from democratic countries can be in accord with anti democratic and unnecessary measures like this. https://www.perfil.com/noticias/soc...-caba-mayores-70-anos-necesitan-permiso.phtml
Modification of decree affecting 70+ year olds in CABA and those entering the city on any given day.
Google Translate
....According to joint resolution 16 of the Ministry of Health and the Head of Cabinet, published this Monday in the Official Gazette of the City, this notice will last 48 hours (and not 24 as it was originally intended to be)....

....clarifies that it is not a "prohibition" to go out but to look for "alternatives" to prevent the elderly from leaving, in a context in which circulation on the streets is growing. "If they consider that they have to leave, that they give us the opportunity to dialogue, to understand why they have to leave, to try to solve the problem ... And if they consider that what we offer is not valid, it does not solve the problem or they do not like it, then they will have all the freedom to go out and do what they consider. "....
It's in no way voluntary. If you don't comply you will be fined and made to perform some community service. If this seems a reasonable measure to people on this site, if they really think that healthy people 70+ do not deserve the same rights as younger people, then I really give up even trying to appeal to their common sense and respect for human dignity. I don't understand how expats who come from democratic countries can be in accord with anti democratic and unnecessary measures like this. https://www.perfil.com/noticias/soc...-caba-mayores-70-anos-necesitan-permiso.phtml
But the problem is, I don't think you are seeing the finer details. The government explicitly says people aged over 70 won't be prevented from going out. They want to be able to put some responsibility of people to show self-control. If they are in the highest risk group, to only go out if there is just no other alternative. If someone in that group goes out for a walk and is caught, they won't be fined and let's be honest, they also won't do community service. They may be told to go home but then that will happen to me, a 36-year-old, if I am caught just idly wandering the street. It's more a push for individual responsibility than anything else. The government is not even forcing people to call the 147 number, just asking that the do.

Now, if it morphs into handing out fines and other similar measures that look more like enforcement, then you'd be right. While I understand your concerns (poor reporting of the story didn't help), I think they are unfounded at the moment.
But the problem is, I don't think you are seeing the finer details. The government explicitly says people aged over 70 won't be prevented from going out. They want to be able to put some responsibility of people to show self-control. If they are in the highest risk group, to only go out if there is just no other alternative. If someone in that group goes out for a walk and is caught, they won't be fined and let's be honest, they also won't do community service. They may be told to go home but then that will happen to me, a 36-year-old, if I am caught just idly wandering the street. It's more a push for individual responsibility than anything else. The government is not even forcing people to call the 147 number, just asking that the do.

Now, if it morphs into handing out fines and other similar measures that look more like enforcement, then you'd be right. While I understand your concerns (poor reporting of the story didn't help), I think they are unfounded at the moment.

Artisans reports that the law was modified. If someone has a link, please post it. As the law was written individuals have to call 147. Then get permission. If they do not they are stopped and sent home. The second time they are fined. And they will have to do community service (they are supposedly too weak and sick to go outside but they are strong enough to do community service where they will be exposed to more germs). If they are fined and sentenced to community service they have committed a crime. If they go to apply for a visa to travel abroad or need a police report for other reasons they will have a problem so this law is not a light matter. Now you are telling me that this is not so and that it's just a way of urging people not to go out. I would like to see something clear that states EXACTLY what is meant because I am not a mind reader and I cannot get into the legislators' minds. By the way, a 70+ friend (who still works) told me that she spent half an hour unsuccessfully calling 147.