A major violation of human rights for those 70+

Artisans reports that the law was modified. If someone has a link, please post it. As the law was written individuals have to call 147. Then get permission. If they do not they are stopped and sent home.....
20 April 2020 7:49am
Coronavirus: the City implemented the measure on older adults, but stressed that it is not mandatory to notify 147
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In the midst of the deep-seated controversy generated by the announced measure to restrict the circulation of those over 70 - which comes into force today -, the head of government Horacio Rodríguez Larreta asked that "an alternative be sought to see if they can be prevented from leaving " Although there is no longer an obligation for these adults to contact 147 before shopping or walking the dog, the government encourages people to do so in order to offer them an alternative to reduce exposure to the coronavirus.
This clarification occurred after the measure, published in the Official City Gazette, marked the need to preventively communicate with the Citizen Service, that is, number 147. According to article 2 of resolution 16, "a The effects of guaranteeing the knowledge of all the alternatives made available by the City to prevent people aged 70 or over from unnecessarily leaving their home or place where they are complying with social, preventive and mandatory isolation, are establishes " the need to previously communicate with the citizen service at number 147 "....
20 April 2020 7:49am
Coronavirus: the City implemented the measure on older adults, but stressed that it is not mandatory to notify 147
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In the midst of the deep-seated controversy generated by the announced measure to restrict the circulation of those over 70 - which comes into force today -, the head of government Horacio Rodríguez Larreta asked that "an alternative be sought to see if they can be prevented from leaving " Although there is no longer an obligation for these adults to contact 147 before shopping or walking the dog, the government encourages people to do so in order to offer them an alternative to reduce exposure to the coronavirus.
This clarification occurred after the measure, published in the Official City Gazette, marked the need to preventively communicate with the Citizen Service, that is, number 147. According to article 2 of resolution 16, "a The effects of guaranteeing the knowledge of all the alternatives made available by the City to prevent people aged 70 or over from unnecessarily leaving their home or place where they are complying with social, preventive and mandatory isolation, are establishes " the need to previously communicate with the citizen service at number 147 "....

Thanks but still unclear. The translation makes little sense to me. Could you post a link to the original Spanish text.
As for 147, it must exist in the Twilight Zone. A friend tried calling for over an hour. No answer.
I saw several mayores being harassed by policemen today on the streets.
I saw several mayores being harassed by policemen today on the streets.

Not surprised. They feel empowered.

"She was asked what she had learned from the Holocaust, and she said that 10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and that 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and that the remaining 80 percent could be moved in either direction." - Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks but still unclear. The translation makes little sense to me. Could you post a link to the original Spanish text.
As for 147, it must exist in the Twilight Zone. A friend tried calling for over an hour. No answer.

Thanks. It seems they still expect people to call ahead. A friend today said she tried for over half an hour and got no answer. There must have been a massive number of complains especially from the powerful 70+ people who have influence.

El ministro de Salud Fernán Quirós les pidió a los adultos mayores: "Vinculate con los voluntarios. Si considerás que tenés que salir, danos la oportunidad para hablar con vos. Si no te gusta lo que te ofrecemos, si te parece que no es válido, tenés toda la libertad para hacer de tu actividad lo que consideres ".
Thanks. It seems they still expect people to call ahead. A friend today said she tried for over half an hour and got no answer..

This will put the subject to rest....

21 April 2020 00.58
Coronavirus: Restriction measure declared unconstitutional for adults over 70

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