hi guys
The discussion with the owner did not go well.
He indeed said that when the sofa had the first tiny crack ..I should have informed him immediately rather than informing him on the last day when the sofa is not usable..
The 2nd thing about the chair he said, the cane probably broken because of the keychain or something in my back pocket.
For the wooden floor, he insisted I did not switch off the water in time and allowed the floor to flood long enough!
He is persisting that i need to pay.
I tried to reason all these things as above you guys suggested, but he did not listen!
He however said that the bill will be small. eg a part of the sofa will be repaired..not the whole..//
I dont want to tell him to "F.off" but I dont know what more to tell him! He speaks fluent English ...so no communication problem either.
Any kind of final suggestions from you guys on how to end the matter amicably?
The good things :-
1. He was super polite throughout.
2. He had trusted me to give me a apartment without a security deposit.
The discussion with the owner did not go well.
He indeed said that when the sofa had the first tiny crack ..I should have informed him immediately rather than informing him on the last day when the sofa is not usable..
The 2nd thing about the chair he said, the cane probably broken because of the keychain or something in my back pocket.
For the wooden floor, he insisted I did not switch off the water in time and allowed the floor to flood long enough!
He is persisting that i need to pay.
I tried to reason all these things as above you guys suggested, but he did not listen!
He however said that the bill will be small. eg a part of the sofa will be repaired..not the whole..//
I dont want to tell him to "F.off" but I dont know what more to tell him! He speaks fluent English ...so no communication problem either.
Any kind of final suggestions from you guys on how to end the matter amicably?
The good things :-
1. He was super polite throughout.
2. He had trusted me to give me a apartment without a security deposit.