Well, honestly after I took a look on some threads here about citizenship and how much the lawyer fees are estimated, I frankly can't afford that prices at all. In this case, would it be wise and better to wait the two years before application or there are more options available to push ahead the process? Thanks in advance!
As Ceviche advised you, waiting the 2 years means just that the person receiving your documents may not use the excuse of you not having been in the country for 2 years continuously in order to reject your documents. Of course s/he may say that your XYZ document is now more than 6 months old and you need a new one. Or some other reason. They are the administration and they have the power. And even if they take your paperwork and assign a number to your case, it is only then that the real navigation through the system begins. It is not at all a smooth or pleasant process. It is possible that at any step of the way one of your previously submitted documents is simply lost or expired or missing, etc. And you really have no option but to get the missing document and keep your file up to date.
One of the steps that you will have to complete in the future as a part of this process is the home visit, which entails a psycho-social evaluation. I read one of these reports/evaluations and did not know if I should laugh or cry at the absurdity, lack of scientific evidence/credibility or competence/poor grammar/spelling of the person completing the so-called evaluation. And to my understanding, even if you do everything correctly, step by step, taking time, etc., but the judge that oversees your case at the end of the process is not thoroughly convinced, s/he may reject you. You can ask for a new judge but there is no guarantee that the next one would be any better. In other words, as Ceviche said, do not expect a smooth sailing.
I am not discouraging you, I am just trying to paint the picture correctly so that you do not drive yourself (and your wife) crazy through this process.
Remember that others have done this before you, so pick your battles wisely (know why exactly do you want/need this citizenship), be prepared to face the incompetence/inefficiency/lack of logic along the way, and come to peace with the possibility that it may all be in vain, or not
