Abandonar el pais for 10 days?

ok, i am an idiot, i reread the thing today and I think you all were correct, it said I had to leave the country in 10 days.

here is the actual quote: "autorizarse al titular del presente documente permanecer y hacer abondono del pais hasta el dia 29 setiembre"

so, i apologize. pretty sure that means they gave me 10 days to leave the country, not 10 days until i was allowed to return.
I am happy you cleared this up. This is nothing new and it has nothing to do with the new decreto. If you had gone to migraciones to renew after your 90 day visa had expired they would have made you pay the fine and given you the same paper saying you had ten days to leave. If you had gone to the airport after the ten days they would have also made you pay the fine...again.

As nothing was entered in your passport, you should be able to return without any problem.

If you have proof that you're married to an Argentine that will certainly be the case.

If you actually submitted your application for permanent residency, to migraciones your tramites have already begun. If so, did they give you a date to return?
As always, I suggest you apply for citizenship instead of residence.

Your wife should call to camara de apelaciones en lo criminal y correccional of capital federal and ask for who is the habeas corpus judge and its telephone number. She should ask for the judge of the day you are returning, there is a rotation.

So, if there is any issue, she call the judge and says she want to interponer un habeas corpus telefonico, she has to ask for the judge or secretario and explain his/her the marriage relationship. The judge should order migraciones to leave you entry. You might do this without an attorney, of course this is better to do it with one.
Bajo_cero2 said:
As always, I suggest you apply for citizenship instead of residence.

Bajo, thanks for the advice on what to do if I have a problem re-entering. I appreciate it. Hopefully I wont need it!

I have been a little nervous about getting Argentine citizenship. I am not rich now or close to it, but if I do get rich in the future, Argentina could try to impose its wealth tax on me, right? I know lots of rich Argentines keep their money outside the country and have no problem, but...I generally attempt to follow the law (overstaying my visa this time was an exception...oops) and would not want to pay the wealth tax nor possibly risk the teeniest tiniest chance of going to jail because I did not pay the wealth tax.

Also, I think there is some small chance I might run for office in the US someday, and I am not sure how being a citizen of another country might affect that.

I have been a little lazy about getting residency just because it seemed like there was alot of tramites involved. My wife was more interested, but I am not sure that she officially started the process. I am not sure residency is worth getting all the documents necessary (and getting them stamped, etc) when I can keep going to Colonia every 90 days.
abandonar said:
I have been a little nervous about getting Argentine citizenship. I am not rich now or close to it, but if I do get rich in the future, Argentina could try to impose its wealth tax on me, right? I know lots of rich Argentines keep their money outside the country and have no problem, but...I generally attempt to follow the law (overstaying my visa this time was an exception...oops) and would not want to pay the wealth tax nor possibly risk the teeniest tiniest chance of going to jail because I did not pay the wealth tax.

If you have permanent residency in Argentina you will be subject to the wealth tax even if you are not a citizen. If you remain a foreigner and have assets (property e.g.) here they will be taxed at a higher rate than if you are a resident.

abandonar said:
Also, I think there is some small chance I might run for office in the US someday, and I am not sure how being a citizen of another country might affect that.

Why would it matter? After Obama there will be no borders and we will have global governance.

abandonar said:
I am not sure residency is worth getting all the documents necessary (and getting them stamped, etc) when I can keep going to Colonia every 90 days.

Haven't you heard about the new decreto that (essentially) puts an end to this option?
steveinbsas said:
If you have permanent residency in Argentina you will be subject to the wealth tax even if you are not a citizen. If you remain a foreigner and have assets (property e.g.) here they will be taxed at a higher rate than if you are a resident.

Pretty good reason not to get permanent residence then if they can theoretically tax me on any wealth! Jurisdictionally that it seems strange to me that permanent residents would be subject to the wealth tax for holdings outside Argentina, but what do I know? I know as a practical matter they couldnt catch me, but I dont like the idea of not paying tax on what i have in my bank acct if i was supposed to pay it.

Why would it matter? After Obama there will be no borders and we will have global governance.
Well I definitely dont like Obama, but I think that being a dual citizen is largely a political question, and is unlikely to have any legal angles now or in the future. Although my understanding is that the US technically looks askance on dual citizenships, no?

Haven't you heard about the new decreto that (essentially) puts an end to this option?
I read something here, but I guess I figured that until I see something concrete I wont worry about it.
FWIW I over stayed my visa by almost 5 months till my cousin came visiting and wanted to go to montevideo. Everyone told me I'd be fined huge, the guy at the buquebus counter told me I'd have to pay a fine, I walked up stairs stamp stamp and I was in uruguay with out spending a centavo.

As with everything else in this country your millage will certainly vary.
abandonar said:
I read something here, but I guess I figured that until I see something concrete I wont worry about it.

It won't be in concrete, but it might be in ink. Look for the words "ultima prorroga" in your passport on your next return from Colonia.

One expat who is married to an Argentine woman received his ultima prorroga when he returned from Colonia recently. Perhaps your experience will be different. Enforcement is not (yet) consistent.

Nonetheless, I do think you'll breeze through migraciones when you return at EZE, even if you don't have your marriage certificate. Those who actually leave the country for more distant destinations (and longer than a day) probably aren't thought of as tourist visa abusers.

Worst case scenario: you will receive the ultima prorroga at EZE when you return. Then you will have to scramble to get your residency docs in order.
abandonar said:
Bajo, thanks for the advice on what to do if I have a problem re-entering. I appreciate it. Hopefully I wont need it!

I have been a little nervous about getting Argentine citizenship. I am not rich now or close to it, but if I do get rich in the future, Argentina could try to impose its wealth tax on me, right? I know lots of rich Argentines keep their money outside the country and have no problem, but...I generally attempt to follow the law (overstaying my visa this time was an exception...oops) and would not want to pay the wealth tax nor possibly risk the teeniest tiniest chance of going to jail because I did not pay the wealth tax.

Also, I think there is some small chance I might run for office in the US someday, and I am not sure how being a citizen of another country might affect that.

I have been a little lazy about getting residency just because it seemed like there was alot of tramites involved. My wife was more interested, but I am not sure that she officially started the process. I am not sure residency is worth getting all the documents necessary (and getting them stamped, etc) when I can keep going to Colonia every 90 days.

You do not need to get citizenship. Since you are married to an Argentine you are entitled to permanent residency. When you get back to the country, stop being lazy & get yourself to migrations and start the paper work! It's not difficult at all. I don't know why people keep saying it is. Going to Colonia every 90 days sounds like a much bigger PITA.
mini said:
Going to Colonia every 90 days sounds like a much bigger PITA.


However getting your permanent residency as a spouse isn't simply a matter of going to migraciones.

You have to have the following --

1) Antecedentes penales from every country you've lived in (ie as a resident) for the last 5 years

2) Birth Certificate

Send these to be legalised at the Argentine Embassy in my home country. (Depending on your citizenship that may vary)

3) Get those documents translated by a certified translator here in Argentina

4) While you're at it, photocopy the ID page of your passport and get it translated and certified as well (I hadn't done this since I assumed a passport is legal in and of itself, why should I need to, that resulted in another run around)

5) Get your antecedentes penales from here (you'll need a photocopy of the ID page of your passport for that as well, a separate one)

6) Photocopy all the pages of your passport

7) Photocopy all the pages of your spouses DNI or passport

8) Photocopy your marriage certificate / libreta in this case (if you got married outside of argentina and your certificate is in another language, you're going to need to do the same for it as you did with your birth cert and foreign antecedentes

9) Get 2 photos taken, it does not matter now if they are on celeste or white, you're going to get the new DNI.

10) Photocopy EVERYTHING

11) Make an appointment on the migraciones site for residency

12) Wait about 21 days for your turno.

13) Go in and see them with everything you have above + 600 pesos for residency + 40 pesos for DNI

14) Receive in the moment a piece of paper that is valid for 90 days, this is your residency. Your permanent papers and DNI will arrive in 90 days.

Congratulations, you have residency.

BTW -- in case you didn't realise, by marrying a foreigner you're already kind of screwed on the taxes -- maybe it's different in the USA, but in Canada it led to me having to declare non-residency.