About the Tractorazo

I've found the complete opposite, I have a Kirchnerista wife working in the CABA police force and you could rock up to their 911 office sporting a Jorge Rafael Videla t-shirt, announce your arrival with a shout of "VIVA LA DICTADURA", and receive a standing ovation as a thank you.

Those working within the CABA police force certainly have no fear in proclaiming their love for Bullrich and Milei on their social media pages.

Any hint of being a Peronist will have you sent to the nearest job center however.

I really can't see how in a city where 50% of the population would vote for a monkey in a Juntos shirt, in a city where each and every bar and restaurant is screening Toda Noticias and La Nacion from every available screen, that people would be living in fear of saying they support the current opposition.
It's probably fair to point out that the people I mix with are of a slightly later generation that the police force, have probably learned a few lessons along the way about exposing themselves publicly, and are not massive users of Facebook for that purpose.

Also, the opposition is broad and there are many figures and parties. The mature people who have confided in me have not done so proclaiming love for any particular opposition figure. Their reluctance seems not so much to be one of declaring themselves to be pro-opposition, or pro any particular potential opposition candidate (they maybe be pro neither), but rather seems to be a fear of declaring themselves to be anti-government, of doing anything that would risk them being labelled a gorilla.

It is probably a consequence of the particular social activity I take part in, but I am in the perhaps unusual position in this city of having the overwhelming majority of my friends and acquaintances on the K side of the grieta. I am sure, if I moved in other circles it would be the reverse. The only time I approached a police officer to discuss a law and order issue, he was immediately on the front foot complaining about the federal government's approach.