Am I the only person in Argentina that finds the term "chinito" offensive?

All this reminds me of like what Cristina was trying to start a few years ago, a ministerio de pensamiento unico (of correct thought, i.e., the only way to think about Argentinian history). That sounds so totalitarian and scary to me. But I don't think we are far off in many of our more "enlightened" countries-- there is only one (correct) way to think about things, and if you don't think that way, especially about racial, ethnic or cultural issues, you are a racist (if you are white) or an Uncle Tom (if you are brown). So much for truly liberal thought.
Well apparently this is perfectly acceptable, especially for those that vouch that societies need to be censored in order to evolve... it reminds me of some Adolf guy that decided that German society needed to evolve.
John Kerry seems like a good Candidate...? A billionaire Democrat to follow a billionaire Republican...? seems logical..!
Well apparently this is perfectly acceptable, especially for those that vouch that societies need to be censored in order to evolve... it reminds me of some Adolf guy that decided that German society needed to evolve.
People think it's great when their thinking is represented by the "pensamiento único" but when the tide turns, it's not so great being on the other side.
Is there anything that isn't considered "racist" nowadays? That word is truly losing its power because it's being overused.

I'm all for forward progress. And sure, words matter. But intent matters more.

If we all gave each other the benefit of the doubt instead of searching for the slightest hint of "RACISM!!!!" in every single sentence uttered... we'd probably be better off as a society.

Besides, is calling someone a "chino" better or worse than calling someone "yanqui" or "gringo?" Or are those nicknames acceptable because those people come from an evil, imperialist country?

Seems kinda RACIST to me!! ;)

Why is it ok to call someone from Japan or Korea chinito? Is it ok to call everyone from Latin America "little Mexican"?
I don't hear any of them complaining or surprised, yet you are...

Have you asked, hey do you mind the fact that people call you and everyone from your family Chinese even though you literally have nothing to do with China other than certain external physical characteristics? If only we could all be so enlightened! I'll start calling everyone here "mexicano" as a term of endearment, I'm sure they will understand!
Have you asked, hey do you mind the fact that people call you and everyone from your family Chinese even though you literally have nothing to do with China other than certain external physical characteristics? If only we could all be so enlightened! I'll start calling everyone here "mexicano" as a term of endearment, I'm sure they will understand!
Do as you please. They are not bothered, you are. They have been living here as immigrants for several decades now, and they get it, you don't. That is the bottom line.
Do as you please. They are not bothered, you are. They have been living here as immigrants for several decades now, and they get it, you don't. That is the bottom line.

So the answer is no. You've never asked them. The fact that you would not even *bother* to ask that question -- or that the question would even occur to you -- is demonstrative of the problem in this society. How many of Koreans and Japanese do you actually personally know on more than a superficial level? Do they "get it" in terms of simply accepting the fact that if you live in Argentina, it is ok to call someone from Korea Chinese, and that it is perfectly ok to associate every single Asian person in the world with China?
Am I The Only One .... ?
Not by a long shot. The majority predominant voting issue of 2016, and 2020.

Is there anything that isn´t considered "racism"?
The question is: Is there anyone willing to call a spade a spade nowadays? Crossing a red light is a crystal clear straight forward offense. No "intention" or whatever other nonsense fuzzing or muddying up explanations.

Would a racist recognize him/herself?

Would voting a "racist" president be considered a "racist" act?

P.S. These questions are general and not necessarily aimed at Trump.
Am I The Only One .... ?
Not by a long shot. The majority predominant voting issue of 2016, and 2020.

Is there anything that isn´t considered "racism"?
The question is: Is there anyone willing to call a spade a spade nowadays? Crossing a red light is a crystal clear straight forward offense. No "intention" or whatever other nonsense fuzzing or muddying up explanations.

Would a racist recognize him/herself?

Would voting a "racist" president be considered a "racist" act?

P.S. These questions are general and not necessarily aimed at Trump.

You remind me of this German comedy sketch that came out recently. Watch with subtitles. Enjoy!

'Do I look like a Nazi to you?!'