American Expats in BA - Look at the Bright Side

Part 2
With all that said about Bush I must agree that the problems started long before he came along (he just pushed them forward at supersonic speed). Bill Clinton had his moments also but the man did TRY which is more than I can say for W..... What I really fear is going on is certain powers (Multi National Corporations/Big Business, Military Industrial Complex, Powerful Lobby Groups, etc) have really taken over big time. Why do Hillary and Obama still keep the Insurance Companies in their Health Care plans?? Medicare doesn't use them. The French system (rated #1 year after year by the W.H.O.) doesn't need them - why do we? We are almost now very near to being at constant war somewhere on the planet at all times (George Orwell's "1984" had that going on also as I recall). From SOMALIA to HAITI to PANAMA to IRAQ to ??? (pick the next one) we seem to be all over the place. These are not the type of things I want my country to be involved in - taking care of America's problems instead would be a good and fresh idea IMHO. End of Part 2

To me it looks more and more like America is not being run by the people anymore. I see nothing wrong with living in another country if it gives you peace of mind or you feel safer or whatever. I live in Paris part time (but not at this time with the very weak dollar) and all I know my blood pressure goes down 20 points. It's much safer, cleaner, civilized, and the people have some substantial things on their minds, not just celebrity gossip. I just feel safer, saner, and more stress free there. Years ago I used to feel that way in America but not anymore. I hope America isn't lost. The idealistic side of me hopes OBAMA can fix the US somewhat with his magic and smarts. The cynical side tells me the party is over and it's time to pack up and leave. I guess time will tell but I'm not putting any money on the Idealist..... Once again thanks for all the feedback. From what I have read I feel like BA is a place to live in Part time and enjoy the city life and culture where as full time seems much more problematic........Any other comments are welcome, thanks for your time, Dudester
Forgot to mention that I also thought BigBadWolf had some EXCELLENT points (as well as a great username). I also wanted to disagree slightly with Blake. First of all, GWB is in NO WAY a true Republican - spying on American citizens, getting involved in peoples personal business, Invading countries with no valid reason, growing big Government even bigger, borrowing 2 Billion Dollars a day... that's not the real Republican party, seems like it's been hijacked. The label "Conservative" stands for "Conservative (use of) Government" and "Liberal" stands for "Liberal (use of) Government". I've never seen the Federal Government more "Liberal" and involved in EVERYTHING and as huge as today's Mega Monster..... It's all been turned upside down and inside out (but confusion is part of the plan)..... Just wanted to clear that up, really no big deal, All the best, Dudester
Ah, a fellow true believer! We're far, far outnumbered, you know, Dudester.
"True." "True" or not, I'm pretty sure W is a registered Republican and head of that particular party. As such, he has changed the meaning of it somewhat. Though much of what you say might apply to that other non-Republican, Nixon.My sister-in-law is an evangelical Christian living in Texas and one time she mentioned to me that she was of course a Republican. I looked at her in mute dumbfoundedness for a minute before saying, "How can you be both a Christian and a Republican? Isn't it impossible to hate poor brown people and yet have one as your messiah?"
"Dudester" said:
First of all, GWB is in NO WAY a true Republican - spying on American citizens, getting involved in people's personal business, Invading countries with no valid reason, growing big Government even bigger, borrowing 2 Billion Dollars a day... that's not the real Republican party, seems like it's been hijacked.
What's a "true" Republican? Or a "true" Democrat? These parties have changed with time. Each successive Republican administration has been more to the right of each previous Republican administration. Each successive Democrat administration has been more to the right of each previous Democrat administration. Thus Nixon -- who cut military spending sharply, pushed through the greatest expansion in social security spending since the program's inception, created the federal affirmative action programs, and increased arts spending -- was considerably to the left of Clinton. The point is that there's been an inexorable shift to the right by both parties, and that party politics on both the "left" and the "right" have been taken over by vested financial interests. It's silly to blame one man -- GWB -- for all this, though clearly he's the most egregious president in US history.
Does anyone here think there will be any real improvement regardless of who gets voted in in November? Does anyone fall for this baloney of "the audacity of hope," "yes we can," and other such nonsense? The USA will remain a garrison state, armed to the teeth, and engaged in military adventures worldwide. Domestically, disparities between rich and poor will continue to increase. If anyone here thinks that the results on November are going to mark a bold new beginning, they have a room-temperature IQ. Electoral politics is not the way real change will occur in the USA. If by some miraculous fluke, someone determined to effect real change got elected, he would be summarily assassinated. The USA is not a democracy. It's a country in the iron grip of an oligarchy that is determined nothing will upset the status quo. Elections provide the rubber stamp to candidates who've already been vetted by this oligarchy.
I'd agree with BBW that the two parties have changed over the years though I am not sure that they have both moved to the right. The Republican party, especially under Bush, has abandoned fiscal responsibility and has allowed the government to grow in a way that is in radical opposition to former Republican thinking. The US Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act etc. are extreme intrusions into individual rights. Is this traditional Republicanism? BBW is right, in my view, that no candidate will effect any real change in US foreign or even domestic party. Only Ron Paul advocates serious change (closing all foreign military bases, for example) and look how far his campaign went - to a large extent because the media refused to give him a voice. I didn't get the bit about Republican Christians and brown people. Bush has been consistently in favor of an open immigration policy. If the writer is suggesting that the Republican party is racist I think he should look more closely at Bush's immigration views. Anyway I don't see how controlling the border can be equated with racism and I fail to see how voting Republican can be in any way unChristian. For that matter, many Christians have a problem voting for the Democrat party because of the party's pro abortion platform.
"Ariel" said:
I'd agree with BBW that the two parties have changed over the years though I am not sure that they have both moved to the right. The Republican party, especially under Bush, has abandoned fiscal responsibility and has allowed the government to grow in a way that is in radical opposition to former Republican thinking. The US Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act etc. are extreme intrusions into individual rights. Is this traditional Republicanism? BBW is right, in my view, that no candidate will effect any real change in US foreign or even domestic party. Only Ron Paul advocates serious change (closing all foreign military bases, for example) and look how far his campaign went - to a large extent because the media refused to give him a voice. I didn't get the bit about Republican Christians and brown people. Bush has been consistently in favor of an open immigration policy. If the writer is suggesting that the Republican party is racist I think he should look more closely at Bush's immigration views. Anyway I don't see how controlling the border can be equated with racism and I fail to see how voting Republican can be in any way unChristian. For that matter, many Christians have a problem voting for the Democrat party because of the party's pro abortion platform.
Even "right" and "left" have lost their customary meanings. When I think of conservative, I think of Pat Buchanan, with his insistence on fiscal responsibilitiy, closed borders and tight immigration policy, and protectionist attitude towards US industry. Both the Republican party and the Democrat party are today controlled by a puppeteer financial elite: both are for open borders and unrestricted immigration (unskilled and skilled), and both subscribe to "free" markets and "free" trade (regardless of the consequences to most of the indigenous population): in essence, with regard to tax policy, migration, foreign policy, militarism, environment, and capital flows both are willing to dance to the tune of a financial overclass that sees the US as one more plantation economy. Determining which of the two to vote for is a false choice. The electorate is allowed to choose what it perceives to be ever so slightly the lesser evil. Some democracy. As Buchanan has asked recently, what does it mean to be an American anymore? (
Postscript: Paul Craig Roberts is another example of a conservative. Here's a good article by him on the bankruptcy of the United States:
Having trouble (as usual ) posting a long comment, let me try something here...
Awww BigBadWolf, Do you have to pop all of my "Fantasy Balloons" !?!?!? Alright, alright, you are 100% correct - especially your second paragraph (referring to your post of 3/22 - 3 comments up). As far as the elections go (and I agree, no one gets into the White House that doesn't have the approval of those that REALLY run things) We saw it in 2000 and 2004 and I'm afraid the practice is here to stay. With that said, If one wants to believe in the game at all, out of the 3, Obama is the most radical (well that's too strong a word but....), talking about "Diplomacy" instead of dropping bombs - that's a small step forward in sane behavior. Talking against the Lobbyists. He says things that I agree with, I say give him 4 years and see how much he can really get done (this is my "optimistic illusion" side talking.) With Hillary we get more of the same and with McCain we better all build bunkers and stock up on supplies for 6 months of underground living. People call me a pessimist and say I "think too much" but I'm passing my crown to BBWolf. Even though you are 100% correct IMHO it's still hard to hear all this raw reality pour in. That's why, in the end, living as an Expat is the only true solution. It's much more pleasant being away from the center of the human explosion if it comes.

As far as "true Republican" well, I'm just talking about what we were taught in school, of course none of it applies anymore because the last 4 or 5 Republican Presidents have tweaked it nicely. Depends with decades definition you wanna go with - Goldwater, Nixon, Reagan, Daddy Bush, Baby Bush, Johnny McCain.... So BBWolf, what do we do when the sh*t hits the fan cause you know that's coming sooner or later. Enough people without work and hope is a real good spark for country wide riots and massive civil disobedience. That's how it always ends... Even though the masses have been completely dumbified and brainwashed by the superficial and mainly insignificant media and made to feel pure compliancy but, when there's not a dollar left in their pockets for a coke, fries, and big mac they WILL get the message. They might actually hit the streets at that point - that's when one doesn't want to be around and expat is the only solution I see working - how about you (or anyone else) any other solutions??? I'm all ears..... Dudester

RWS - far outnumbered? That we are and I guess it will remain that way, well, At least, until the revolution comes (don't hold your breath - in fact I have great doubts it will ever happen, maybe only in the world of a computer game) but the kids might surprise us - stranger things have happened........... Dudester