Americans Giving Up Citizenship / New Roman Empire?

After Oprah reported that she’d felt disrespected because a clerk in a posh Zurich shop didn't know that she belonged to the richest 1% of people who could afford a ridiculously expensive bag, she told the press that she was in Switzerland attending Tina Turner's wedding there. (Tina renounced her US citizenship this year and then in July married her European live-in partner of the past 27 years. I presume she did both so as to escape being subject to US taxation. She’d once said while living with this man that she’d never remarry anybody.)
The US is unique for taxing even people who as American babies left the US, grew up in and became citizens of a foreign country and who’ve never returned to the US. Basing taxation on citizenship rather than upon residency fails to recognize the reality and significance of a person’s own life choices. It thus penalizes those who exercise their freedom of choice this way. To me, a non-American, it renders being a US citizen rather artificial by making it a label rather than a tangibly felt attachment. No wonder then that many immigrants to the US seek US citizenship as a commodity to obtain.
Stateless by choice is a very recent phenomenon. It might be the final stage of political emancipation. I, in part, admire Glen. I'm sure Glen could apply to Uruguayan citizenship but doesn't deem it necessary (hat off to Uruguay).

Canada Bush years is what I refer to that time when Americans began resorting to stitching Maple leaves to their bagpacks to avoid confrontation at euro and south american hostels.

Never heard of this, in fact haven't met anybody in eons who would bother putting a flag on backpacks. I do recall it in Europe during the Vietnam years.
Here is the deception or, more accurate, 'simulation' of what is and has happened. This is NOT "conspiracy theory' or 'conjecture.' If you want to read this with an 'open mind' it can change you life.... If you want to continue in 'mental free fall' establishment thinking, 'buenos suerte.'

I have proven now, three times over the last six years, that TWO forms of 'political status', i.e. 'citizenship' currently exist in the United States. If you doubt this I direct you to the Oath on any U.S. Department of State passport application. You will plainly see the two different political statuses there. The 'original' "C"itizen of the United States, our forefathers status, has been cleverly hidden by the money powers under the term "U.S. national."

I have had THREE separate U.S. passports issued to me, two through the Embassy in BA, one temp another my newest current 10 year standard appearing passport. Every time the exact same Affidavit of status was attached. That Affidavit, reproduced in the back of my book From Sovereign to Serf Government by the Treachery and Deception of Words, in depth info, radio broadcasts, and books available @

If 'both' of your parents are American born you instantly qualify to do the exact same thing. THEY CAN NOT TELL YOU NO!

On top of the many radio interviews available on the site I now have recently started a daily two hour radio show originating from here, San Rafael, Mendoza. Weekday @ 5-7 EDST. I am also a part owner of the network.

If you are concerned about taxation from the U.S. I would invite you to visit my teachers website for factual, historically proven, background and info about the origins of the current U.S. tax system. You see, it has been around before just like the feudal system that has been imposed on the American people via the 14th Amendment. Visit Learn that the tax system is the EXACT same system the King of England used for hundreds of years to collect his taxes via a legal instrument called a "Statute Staple" contract. You now know that instrument as a 1040 Form...

The answers are ALL there people.....

Roger Sayles
I know this topic has been discussed before (and I know I haven't frequented these forums in a while) but I'm intrigued. Any thoughts on the issue, from Americans or not would be appreciated.

This appeared in red in the Drudge Report, the headline being Amnesty for Immigrants.

It would appear to me that the US is following the same steps as the Roman Empire: Seeking Universalism. The gentry leaves or regulates or ascend in Nepotism, and 'Barbarians' are given citizenship.

People are giving up their citizenship not only for tax reasons but also for ideology and philosophical ones. The US is a police state that spies on everything you do and labels everybody a terrorist. Thanks to the NDAA, anybody at anytime can be arrested without due process of law and thrown into jail. It is also the world's biggest bully and uses threats and intimidation to get what it wants. So it's no surprise to me that many people want out.

I am not anti American, I am anti America's government; a government that never changes from administration to administration be it a democrat or a republican.
Here is the deception or, more accurate, 'simulation' of what is and has happened. This is NOT "conspiracy theory' or 'conjecture.' If you want to read this with an 'open mind' it can change you life.... If you want to continue in 'mental free fall' establishment thinking, 'buenos suerte.'

I have proven now, three times over the last six years, that TWO forms of 'political status', i.e. 'citizenship' currently exist in the United States. If you doubt this I direct you to the Oath on any U.S. Department of State passport application. You will plainly see the two different political statuses there. The 'original' "C"itizen of the United States, our forefathers status, has been cleverly hidden by the money powers under the term "U.S. national."

I have had THREE separate U.S. passports issued to me, two through the Embassy in BA, one temp another my newest current 10 year standard appearing passport. Every time the exact same Affidavit of status was attached. That Affidavit, reproduced in the back of my book From Sovereign to Serf Government by the Treachery and Deception of Words, in depth info, radio broadcasts, and books available @

If 'both' of your parents are American born you instantly qualify to do the exact same thing. THEY CAN NOT TELL YOU NO!

On top of the many radio interviews available on the site I now have recently started a daily two hour radio show originating from here, San Rafael, Mendoza. Weekday @ 5-7 EDST. I am also a part owner of the network.

If you are concerned about taxation from the U.S. I would invite you to visit my teachers website for factual, historically proven, background and info about the origins of the current U.S. tax system. You see, it has been around before just like the feudal system that has been imposed on the American people via the 14th Amendment. Visit Learn that the tax system is the EXACT same system the King of England used for hundreds of years to collect his taxes via a legal instrument called a "Statute Staple" contract. You now know that instrument as a 1040 Form...

The answers are ALL there people.....

Roger Sayles

Aren't there already enough Peronist wingnuts and conspiracy theorists here without having to import them from the US?
A few interesting facts, there are some countries that have agreement to give citizenship to anyone in their borders that is stateless. It can be a strategy to accelerate citizenship. I don't think that is the motivation in Glen's case, but it is possible to get citizenship that way, Glen does have residence status in two countries down here. Eventually he can get citizenship if he wants it. But I kind of admire him too. He's pretty innovative and definitely not a follower. He has a going business and supports himself (he's not living on a pension) so he's no dummy. This is going to be interesting to watch.
Roger, I have heard your theory before. Several years ago, someone I know was doing some research and got into a bunch of interesting information. Mostly I remember that he discovered every IRS office is a privately owned corporation. they are not government offices at all. (Related to the surprise that the Federal Reserve is a group of private bankers and not government at all). What a surprise. Anyway he found a few more things like that involving corporations and was very puzzled by it but never pursued it as far as I know and neither have I. I don't live there any more and I don't concern myself with it. My family comes here so that works out well. But still it's interesting and puzzling, partly because it is so hidden. It makes it so confusing that it isn't easy to understand what's going on. Sounds like maybe you've got a handle on it.
Here is the deception or, more accurate, 'simulation' of what is and has happened. This is NOT "conspiracy theory' or 'conjecture.' If you want to read this with an 'open mind' it can change you life.... If you want to continue in 'mental free fall' establishment thinking, 'buenos suerte.'

I have proven now, three times over the last six years, that TWO forms of 'political status', i.e. 'citizenship' currently exist in the United States. If you doubt this I direct you to the Oath on any U.S. Department of State passport application. You will plainly see the two different political statuses there. The 'original' "C"itizen of the United States, our forefathers status, has been cleverly hidden by the money powers under the term "U.S. national."

I have had THREE separate U.S. passports issued to me, two through the Embassy in BA, one temp another my newest current 10 year standard appearing passport. Every time the exact same Affidavit of status was attached. That Affidavit, reproduced in the back of my book From Sovereign to Serf Government by the Treachery and Deception of Words, in depth info, radio broadcasts, and books available @

If 'both' of your parents are American born you instantly qualify to do the exact same thing. THEY CAN NOT TELL YOU NO!

On top of the many radio interviews available on the site I now have recently started a daily two hour radio show originating from here, San Rafael, Mendoza. Weekday @ 5-7 EDST. I am also a part owner of the network.

If you are concerned about taxation from the U.S. I would invite you to visit my teachers website for factual, historically proven, background and info about the origins of the current U.S. tax system. You see, it has been around before just like the feudal system that has been imposed on the American people via the 14th Amendment. Visit Learn that the tax system is the EXACT same system the King of England used for hundreds of years to collect his taxes via a legal instrument called a "Statute Staple" contract. You now know that instrument as a 1040 Form...

The answers are ALL there people.....

Roger Sayles

Stop trying to make money off people dumb enough to buy into your crazy tinfoil hat shit! Please!

PS. Can someone please remove the quotation mark key from towncyrs keyboard?
Aren't there already enough Peronist wingnuts and conspiracy theorists here without having to import them from the US?
Besides the unnecessary personal attach with someone you may disagree, you also out your self as an ignoramus. The fact that many people like you are uncomfortable with the truth is your problem, not a conspiracy created by others. By all your comments here in this thread it is clear you are perfectly comfortable with the US State and its behavior vis-a-vis war and toward its own citizens. Good for you. But many folks who love liberty and freedom, and know it comes directly from God, not from the state, are not comfortable with the US State and its decades long external war of aggression and internal war against its own people.. Many people understand that Man/Woman, the human, is free because of the rights given to us by God. These are inalienable rights. And to those who can understand this truth clearly understand that any police state is in direct contradiciton to the human's inalienable rights. This behavior infringes on the right to liberty, and certainly to the ideas that the US was founded. In this instance at this point in time the truth is simply the truth. Therefore, many are deciding to leave for philosophical reasons that are also practical reasons. There is no instance in history where the state's behavior such as the modern day US making war and spying on its citizens has resulted in anything positive for the nation or its people As for Arlean's friend, what he encountered in his research is most certainly true. US citizens are paying taxes to payoff debts to a privately owned Federal Reserve. The US citizens are chatel per the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The banks create the money via bonds. The bonds are paid back by the people with interest. If they are not well then instead of a 2008 bail out next time we can expect a 2013 Cyprus Style bail in. Either way, the private bankers win and we the people who love life, liberty, and peace are the losers.
Stop trying to make money off people dumb enough to buy into your crazy tinfoil hat shit! Please!

PS. Can someone please remove the quotation mark key from towncyrs keyboard?
Why are you so upset with someone you happen to disagree? Himmm.... You don;t have to listen, read, or care about what someone else says or distributes. Why are you anxious to silence another ?