An Exclusive Shamanic Ayahuasca Experience For Ba Expats

Advance information was provided to those who expressed an interest directly to me. Why would we invite the cynics? Of course you are all very welcome if you pay an advance fee and thereby confirm interest in the event. I do believe though from the comments here it may be out of range for most of you, however, we may consider a more accessible event later.

Our special guest Shaman is a 3rd generation shaman guru who has devoted years to study and practice in becoming a business leader and spiritual guru for people in Argentina. His focus is educating people on how to make shamanism a life style choice for evolutionary adaptation and how to be successful in life. He is a multi millionaire, businessman and a women’s empowerment leader.

He acts as medium or bridge between the spiritual and physical planes, and applies ancient spiritual techniques, together with decades of devoted study and practice, to help bring success, wealth, happiness and healing into clients’ lives. Your Shaman comes from a long lineage of spiritual practitioners including monks, celebrities, business leaders, politicians, sportsmen, oracles and healers.

Is the path of the Shaman calling you? There is only one ticket left and its first come first served.
Advance information was provided to those who expressed an interest directly to me. Why would we invite the cynics? Of course you are all very welcome if you pay an advance fee and thereby confirm interest in the event. I do believe though from the comments here it may be out of range for most of you, however, we may consider a more accessible event later.

So, if someone who has doubts about the event pays an advance fee of $70,000 pesos they will then be invited?

PS: If any members of this forum (with at least a little credibility) took part in last night's shamanic video conference I hope they would be willing to post about it and perhaps copy and paste the PMs that included the "advance
information" MM claims to have provided. At this point there is no reason whatsoever to believe anything that the Musicman has ever posted.

PS2: Why would you invite the cynics? Perhaps because they are the ones most in need of the "healing" that is claimed the "event" can provide?
We apologise we cant accept payment on the day however there is a 20% discount for those who attended our Scientology event

I just realized the 20% discount applies only to those who attended the Scientology event!

I guess that means everyone else has to pay the full $88,000 pesos in advance. My bad.

PS: Just wondering if those who agree to pay the $88,000 pesos in advance get to see photos of the "sacred temple" and are they given any proof that it exists.

PS2: I previously wondered if those who pay get an official receipt (so AFIP will get their cut of 21%), but that question has yet to be answered.

PS3: I wonder if there are any (recognized) Scientologists in Argentina who might be able to clarify the churches official position on shamanism and if such an event as being promoted here would be endorsed or scantioned by the church.

See, I really do want to be enlightened.

When we receive a genuine note of interest all relevant data is passed on. We have sold 3 tickets here in the past week or so to people via this site. There is only one left and it will be gone by tomorrow. All of them attended the Scientology event. Clearly it’s out of reach for most of you so please respect the privacy of others. Confidentiality and being discreet are key business success attributes. We will be doing a more accessible event for the general public with the government of Buenos Aires early in the New Year so please wait until then.
Update - last ticket just sold to a real estate trader here in BA. can’t say more than that.

Thank you for your business and we look forward to providing a life changing experience for you all.

When we receive a genuine note of interest all relevant data is passed on. We have sold 3 tickets here in the past week or so to people via this site. There is only one left and it will be gone by tomorrow. All of them attended the Scientology event. Clearly it’s out of reach for most of you so please respect the privacy of others. Confidentiality and being discreet are key business success attributes. We will be doing a more accessible event for the general public with the government of Buenos Aires early in the New Year so please wait until then.

Perhaps you know from experience that unless you want to reveal your "real" identity here, no one knows who you are.

I'm just guessing that the three individuals who bought tickets to the upcoming sahmianism event and also (as you claim) attended the Scientology event have user names that do not match the names on their birth certificates.

It would not be a violation of their "privacy" for them to come forward and let others here know that they actually attended the Scientology event (perhaps meeting you in person) and have also bought tickets (or made deposits) for the shamanism event in December.

So far there has never been any verification of anything you have ever posted, including getting people to fork over big wads of cash for events for which there is no evidence that they ever occurred or will occur.

If no one comes forth and tells us they attended the Scientology event and have already made a committeemen to attend the shamaism event in December how can anyone belive they really exist?

If they attend the Scientology event and have made a committeemen to attend the shamanism event they must believe in you.

Why would they not be wiling to share that confidence with the rest of us?

Update - last ticket just sold to a real estate trader here in BA. can’t say more than that.

Thank you for your business and we look forward to providing a life changing experience for you all.


PS; Having just read the last post that the last ticket was "sold to a real estate trader" doesn't change the fact that nothing you have ever posted has been verified...including the "sale" of any "tickets" to any of your "business" events.

So far there has never been any verification of anything you have ever posted, including getting people to fork over big wds of cash for events for which there is no evidence that they ever occurred or will occur.

Steve, it's even better than that: this sorry fraud has never answered any verifiable question in his entire forum life - thanks to your amazing recap earlier in the thread, that fact is established.

He actually seems to believe he's manipulating us while we're laughing as his pitiable lies. However, I will immediately retract all my negative comments and post a public apology if mm will:

1. Provide the event dates and verifiable location and contact info of this alleged seminar: town, hotel or conference center name, etc.

2. Provide a single name of one of the experts guests who will appear at the event: psychoanalyst, shaman, anyone whose identity can be confirmed.

Want to see me grovel? Here's your chance.