Any leads on BA restaurants with spicy food?

How about a good Vietnamese restaurant? Haven't found any yet.
Koreans support the korean restaurants. Japanese support the japanese restaurants.
There are an estimated 250 Vietnamese living in Argentina. Not enough to keep a restaurant in business and the argentines wont eat enogh of it either.
No eskimo or latvian restaurants here either.
Over 30,000 koreans here. Every time I have eaten in Korean restaurants here, there have been Koreans eating there, usually a majority of the diners were korean.
Got spoiled in the Washington, D.C. area, with dozens of superb Vietnamese restaurants. It is a great cuisine, a wonderful mix of French and Chinese cooking.

On the other hand, no Korean restaurants there. But plenty of Eskimo, Latvian, Samoan, and Belize restaurants.
How many Thailandese are there in Argentina? Thai restaurants are plentiful in BA.
Got spoiled in the Washington, D.C. area, with dozens of superb Vietnamese restaurants. It is a great cuisine, a wonderful mix of French and Chinese cooking.

On the other hand, no Korean restaurants there. But plenty of Eskimo, Latvian, Samoan, and Belize restaurants.
I have only seen one Innuit restaurant ever, it was in Vancouver.
Near Obelisco, mr Ho offers korean food.
Its on Paraguay, between Esmerelda and Suipacha. And its very close to 4 more korean restaurants. Probably because the Korean Cultural Center is on Maipu.
There is a chinese resturant in central on Tucman called 'Jia yan' or something, been with friends few times, some dishes are pretty spicy eh.
I noticed that people here only addicted to sweets.
The brand Badia has what you need and it can be purchased in Mercado libre...even their crushed red pepper is USA style...they have ghost pepper sauce and habanero as well. I have all of them.
I'm heading to BsAs tomorrow, and just spent $50 at the grocery store here in CA on hot sauces, Cajun seasonings, etc, to bring with me