I've been to some of the health stores in the past... anything you care to recommend? 
http://www.newgarden.com.ar/QuienesSomos_SPA.aspx - the biggest and oldest chain. health stores here are a joke, but como se dice en castellano 'algo es algo' .
http://www.lepainquotidien.com.ar/en/#.WIkSmvkrLDc - best organic breads in the city
http://www.mercadopuntoverde.com/ - organic dairy, eggs, oils, condiments, grains / legumes, honey and fresh produce, some veggie / vegan prepared foods
https://www.facebook.com/mercadosolidario.bonpland/ - dairy, meats, eggs, oils, honey, fresh produce, condiments, grains, natural household stuff
http://www.newgarden.com.ar/QuienesSomos_SPA.aspx - the biggest and oldest chain. health stores here are a joke, but como se dice en castellano 'algo es algo' .
http://www.lepainquotidien.com.ar/en/#.WIkSmvkrLDc - best organic breads in the city
http://www.mercadopuntoverde.com/ - organic dairy, eggs, oils, condiments, grains / legumes, honey and fresh produce, some veggie / vegan prepared foods
https://www.facebook.com/mercadosolidario.bonpland/ - dairy, meats, eggs, oils, honey, fresh produce, condiments, grains, natural household stuff