Apartment Rental - sorry for yet another post on this!

Captain Cheetah said:
This is based on my various personal experiences with expat home owners/rental agents who try to act like "over smart asses" and "as if they know all".

Thank you Captain Cheetah for your true words. Most expats in Buenos aires treat Argentinians with contempt charging double the local rates and then saying that we are the dishonest ones.
cabrera said:
Thank you Captain Cheetah for your true words. Most expats in Buenos aires treat Argentinians with contempt charging double the local rates and then saying that we are the dishonest ones.

Personally all my experiences with Argentines has been superb till date. And been cheated many times by the expats doing businesses here such as rental agents.
cabrera said:
Thank you Captain Cheetah for your true words. Most expats in Buenos aires treat Argentinians with contempt charging double the local rates and then saying that we are the dishonest ones.

I think it's absurd to believe any Argentine would pay an expat (i.e. foreigner) double the "local" rates for a rental. :rolleyes:
From my experience, both expats and locals try to charge as much as they can..
But i have never had an expat try to scam me, like a few locals have..

As for original question, you will find the agencies add their fee to the price the owner wants per month, some agencies charge less - hence the price difference..

Also if you can find the property on a local website, as in one for local renters, it will usually be cheaper.. and in pesos..