Appropriate gifts for Argentine hosts?


Apr 27, 2012
Hello all,
I've been working for months in BA and La Plata, and my time is growing short.
I would like to purchase a gift of some sort for various folks at the universities that have been helpful to me. (all women)

I wonder if anyone can suggest culturally appropriate gifts for a professional colleague?

Advice much appreciated.
I thought about this for a while. Came up with this:

Depending on how much you want to spend on each one, I suggest you visit one of those Aromatherapy stores (diferent brands) and buy splash, shower gel, scented soaps, bath salts, etc. These are not too expensive.

Sort of flatering and delicate. Hope I'm right.
I don't think you have to worry too much about being "culturally appropriate." As far as I've seen, gifts here tend to be the same you would give anyplace else. :)

A bottle of wine (if they drink), a small gift basket, chocolates, or something for the house or office should be fine. Argentines aren't big gift givers from my experience, so any little token should be appreciated. ;)
Iznogud said:
I thought about this for a while. Came up with this:

Depending on how much you want to spend on each one, I suggest you visit one of those Aromatherapy stores (diferent brands) and buy splash, shower gel, scented soaps, bath salts, etc. These are not too expensive.

Sort of flatering and delicate. Hope I'm right.

I vote for this one. VZ has cute things and they are not that expensive. I go there every time I need to make a 'social gift' ... I just bought a nice tub of hand cream for $27, beautiful packaging and wrapping.