I see from djlinse37's comment that, since I wondered why Martin (who even adds Buenos Aires to his name ... ?) was unwilling to answer blah's obvious and natural question, that I should have answered Martin's question.
Here's my answer, in brief: My favorite cities are in Europe, but because of work, I need to live in Buenos Aires; BA is as close as I've found to a traditional European city (especially, e.g., Milan, and Rome without the history) anywhere outside Europe. So if I can't be in Europe, this is close enough for me. I am a fan of cafe life and culture, and I have found a solid version of that here. It is much cheaper for me to live here than some of the places I've lived recently -- London and Washington, to name two -- so I am enjoying restaurants more than I am usual able to. I can drink good wine for half the price of good wine in most of the places I've lived. I find the parts of the city where I spend the majority of my time to have strikingly beautiful sections and an endless variety of things that interest me. The people I have met (the real people, not the cyberspace denizens) to be on the whole friendly and accessible. Those are the high points, although a trivial list could go on for pages.
I do make a commitment to living the rest of my life in Buenos Aires. It isn't necessary. And as a matter of personal principal, I do not like to own things -- property, cars, big ticket things -- because I discovered a very long time ago that one does not own things, things own you. (Which may account for the cement holding some posters here solidly into a place they hate.) That means I am free to come and go virtually by whim. That is a choice I made a long ago. That also means I am able to fall in love with the place I am living and thoroughly enjoy by day to day life there, regardless of what city it is. Buenos Aires is a perfectly fine city to live in. Maybe part of the reason I feel that way is that BA does not own me, does not control my destiny.
I feel sad, sorry, for those of you who are trapped here, imprisoned in a place you hate so vehemently. But it's not my fault your life turned out this way, and there isn't anything I can do to fix it for you.
That's my answer. The short version.