For whoever posted it makes them happy to walk to buy facturas everyday....good for you. I am not being sarcastic. If that is what makes someone happy, then so be it.
I have lived in Italy for eight years and Germany for two as well as DC for many. There were good and bad things about everywhere else I lived. Although I was cushioned a bit with work and did not need to expereience some of the ordeals in Italy and Germany that the locals do.
I moved here willlingly and looked forward to an enjoyable place that in my twisted mind, would be very similar to Italy. WRONG. Argentina couldn't be farther from Italy than Alaska. No comparison whatsoever. In fact you cannot (as the locals desperately do on a daily basis) compare Buenos Aires with ANYPLACE. It simply is Buenos Aires for whatever its worth.
I admit I whine and bitch on here because this is my forum to do so. Generally, in public, I try to keep my big mouth shut, however difficult, and mind my own business.
In summation, I am here. I put myself here and blame no one but myself. I have tried the "Little Miss Sunshine" attitude here and the positive mind game, it just falls short for me.
I do forsee biting the big bullet sometime and dealing with the ordeal of selling my apartment, "trying" to ship off my personal belongings back to the U.S., and dealing with what to do with my pets. Perhaps pets are a small thing to some people, but I really do not want to put them through that process again. Stupid to stay somewhere and let pets rule your life, but it is what it is. THEN there will be the whole process of relocating all over again. Do keep in mind that people in the U.S. with Masters Degrees are fighting for a job at Starbucks right now.