Most everyone in this forum complaints- or rather blows steam- about this city. Making one or another user a scapegoat for that quiet common attitude is just... unfair.
I'm not saying this place isn't well moderated. It is, and I thank the onwer and mods for that work. But maybe it'd be a good thing to apartheid the newcomers and expat life sections into negative feedback or steamblowing on one side and help/suggestions/recommendations/experienes,etc on the other.
it'd seem that every thread derails first into complaining then into impromptu personal feuds (should I say flame wars?). That's fine and for some fun, but I'm not sure how it helps this Turkish girl.
So, Aysun, you seem to live in a rather beautiful, or stunning, coastal town, in a real up and coming country (honestly, as Turkey keeps getting stronger it will become a vey prosperous, and culturally neutral, bridge between Europe, Russia, and SW Asia.
Napoleon (the historical midget, no the member of this forum) observed that should there be a Global Empire, its Capital would HAVE to be in Istambol.
In Buenos Aires you'll find a different but adaptable culture. It's different as in it's utterly isolated, making it comparatively expensive and eventually dull. However it's also a rather Mediterranean culture as well, and no doubt any Turkish will adapt more easily than say, Americans or Northern Europeans - as they have adapted in the past. Should you move here, in no time you'll probably pass as a porteña. That said, pay attention to the warnings - Argentina is g'damn isolated place - reasons to stay long-term usually boil down to very personal issues.