Johnno said:Classic misdirection techniques at work here - but it only works (just like in Australia) if the sheeple majority are ignorant and uninformed enough (and brainwashed enough) for it to work - while I can comment on the ''intelligence'' (or lack thereof) of the average voter back home (um, Kommisar Gillard is still in power there lol) I haven't been here long enough to know if the average voter here is that dumb or not - from what I can see so far they still do quite a few things right here (for example they still have a manufacturing base here, they still produce their own food, etc. - something Australia is falling way behind in - and that will end up biting us on the bum in the future...
I think that´s all more complex, you also have to see the history of this country. A lot of people see that with the Kirchners everything had become better. But, this government came at a time when everything in this country was down, so maybe everybody would have been able to lead Argentina to better days.
I even would say this government did a lot to stop a natural and healthy development.
We as expats have a different, more objective view on what is going on here. Furthermore I don´t know in how far the average voter is able to get information from more objective media as most of them are not so familiar with reading news via internet from abroad. If you speak to people here, most see things like we do, especially the better educated people and those who also follow what is happening in the world.
There are so many things I can not understand in Argentina. People do not have to look so far, to compare. Just look at Chile where a lot of things run different.
But I would never say people are ignorant in Argentina. You know where people are ignorant? In the so called first world, where everybody is able to get objective information, where things are going worse and worse and just a few complain. Where Billions are spend to banks while social help is reduced and everything is becoming more and more expensive. (like in Europe).