Argentina stuck in the 1960's?

Most all european countries have paid 6 week or more vacations, all of Italy shuts down for August. NYC goes to the Hamptons for the whole summer. Most of Vancouver BC goes to the islands for a few weeks every summer. The idea of summer vacation goes back centuries, all over the world. The brits used to go up to the hill stations every summer, in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. This is hardly unique to Argentina.
Vancouver BC never fails to provide the services, summer or not...Neither is Italy. Nobody denies people's entitlement for vacations, but there are arrangements to be made by small businesses to keep the essential services available while the owners enjoy their time off. This is called customer service eh...a concept of which argentina's business owners are blissfully unaware
The thing to be loved about Argentina is..that no one is in a hurry, here!
The reason I spend 5 months in CABA is because it doesn’t operate at the pace of NYC or Tokyo. It’s a wonderful change. Argentina is one of a kind.
I am not sure what you guys are whining about, but I have spent probably 10 Januaries in Buenos Aires, and found it refreshingly uncrowded, and, sure, a few restaurants were closed for the month, and, there was definitely a lesser amount of concerts and nightlife, but I never have had an issue getting anything, food, services, or shopping. There are still a half dozen verdulerias and ferreterias within 3 blocks of my house.
My experience with customer service has been its always good with small family owned businesses, and crappy with companies trying to be modern and international, trying to emulate US or Euro chains.
I know most of the people I buy things from, the guy who fixes my watch, the lady who resoles shoes, the chicos at the hardware store, the fruit stand and the egg guy who deliver. Their service to me during the holidays is exactly the same friendly service I always get. It helps that I talk to them, get to know them, and am a repeat customer.

I really love walking around the city in January and early Feb- its a great time to really see things without too much traffic or hubbub.