Argentina to increase customs inspections at airports

The really tragic thing is that my OH (who is Argentine) and I both read the article without any sense of shock or surprise.

Is this some early symptom of Stockholm Syndrome? ;)
Living here is like watching an accident in slow motion. You know how it's gonna end but you can't turn away. Banning books because of lead? Wow, you can't make this stuff up.
The customs guy was that busy yakkety yakking on his phone he missed my boyfriends brand new ps3 birthday present.....
Everything as usual is "hit or miss" in Ezeiza, but I can say that after many years of "smuggling" large amounts of electronic goods into Buenos Aires, I was totally busted a few weeks ago when the customs officer asked me to take off my jacket and put it through the scanner as well do a complete and thorough search of my luggage finding all kinds of "tricks and treats". The monetary fine was hefty as I think they were just pissed that they knew they were dealing with a semi "professional" who had not been giving them their "fair share" over time. My Argentine friends are now disappointed as they had been getting access to goods at better prices than they would have gotten from Mercado Libre or other sources. And I was certainly making a little "supplemental income". But whether these new customs "inspections" are just a media "scare tactic" or a legitimate attempt to curb illegal imports, I do know that much of the anxiety in Argentina is driven by "uncertainty" and the lack of consistent "rules and regulations". I think it fine that a country tries to impose the laws it creates but by all means please be consistent about it as best possible. Otherwise, it just makes the country, government, and people look silly, excessively theatrical, and arbitrary in its endeavors. Customs officers accepting bribes or not looking at the scanner monitor because they are "yakking" on their phones does not make for a very professional greeting into a country trying to take itself seriously. But then again, neither are excessive restrictions on imports with exhorbitant taxes. It is all just a part of Argentina. And God knows, THE SHOW MUST ALWAYS GO ON.
Wow, you can't make this stuff up.

You know, I think actually you can.
I actually Googled "Moreno extranjeros ipod" in order to find a source for the article. When that turned up nothing, I tried googling the resolution number. And then I saw the date.... :D

Far too eloquently written to have come from Moreno's hand.
Nice try though :)
I googled the resolution frantically, to no avail.

Then it hit me. Nice one!