Argentinas Best Restaurant

Gringoboy said:
'Argentina is a developing country...'?????????
What the fuck?
This country has had years to develop itself. What planet are you living on Amargo?
Also, Argentine beef USED to be world famous. Not any more.
Over the last few years the quality has declined markedly and it's not just me saying that.
My brother has been coming to see me every year for the past five years and even he commented on it.
Maybe most of the decent beef is now being exported. Who knows?

The sad reality is Argentina use to have great agricultural products available to the general public up until just a few years ago. However, now Argentina is full of factory farms, just like the USA. For that reason, much of the beef, that were formerly grass fed cows grazing on the wide open pampas are now cattle that are raised standing in stalls their entire lives and survive on "feed" which consists of soymeal and oats. That changes the texture, flavor and nutrient content as well of the beef. The fruit and vegetables are also changing, they are still not tasteless like much of what you find in the USA, however the quality and flavor is NOT what it was 5 years ago.
All I know is if you stick an Argentine Bife de Chorizo in front of my face for dinner, consider it gone in 10 minutes...
I went to Don Julio's last night for a steak. It was definitely good, but not "blow you away" type good that I was expecting. Can anyone recommend another place to try to taste Argentinian beef?
Davidglen77 said:
There is a really good SPANISH restaurant in Congreso on the corner of Hipolito Yrigoyen and Combate de los Pozos, directly behind El Congreso Nacional. Both the seafood (huge variety) and meat dishes are top notch. I probably have had some of my best meals there. I highly recommend it. "LA GRAN TABERNA" Combate de los Pozos 95, right at the corner of Hipólito Yrigoyen. The service is not of the modern type, mostly career waiters in their 40s and 50s dressed in white shirts and black pants, somewhat formal in their demeanor not warm and fuzzy but efficient and helpful when needed.

Great spot! Those kinds of waiters are what make dining in BA great. There was a study I read once on memory (but can't remember where its at), they used old style waiters in Buenos Aires who are able to take an order from 10 people without writing anything down. A shame that those kinds of places seem to be disappearing. I always go there to warm up on the coldest night in winter with a big serving of puchero.
soulskier said:
I would include Butterfly Patagonia, located outside Bariloche, to this list.

I haven't been but have only ever heard excellent things about this restaurant.

As for the fine dining in bs as:

I like Tomo 1 in the Pan American Hotel a lot great food at decent prices.

I liked Chila but was very thankful I didn't have to pay, it was good, very good, but still over priced.

La Bourgogne, almost overpriced but saved by truly fantastic food.

Tipula in martinez was really good as well, and the chef has just opened a new restaurant in palermo which I'm dying to try. Anybody else want to go?

Still have a few I want to check out, also always looking for more good food.
Davidglen77 said:
The sad reality is Argentina use to have great agricultural products available to the general public up until just a few years ago. However, now Argentina is full of factory farms, just like the USA. For that reason, much of the beef, that were formerly grass fed cows grazing on the wide open pampas are now cattle that are raised standing in stalls their entire lives and survive on "feed" which consists of soymeal and oats. That changes the texture, flavor and nutrient content as well of the beef. The fruit and vegetables are also changing, they are still not tasteless like much of what you find in the USA, however the quality and flavor is NOT what it was 5 years ago.

Thanks for sharing that, I was having a conversation last night and my friends and I were wondering about beef production here. I was hoping it was still mostly grass-fed beef that you can find in the restos & carnicerias.

BTW so does anyone know restaurants that serve only the yummy grass-fed beef?