How does Article 10 of the decree maintain the domicile test/concept, when, as you say, what matters most is what the law says, and you admit that Article 30 of the law "abolishes the domicile and replace it for residency"?
I already explained you before.So, let's go again.
Decrees clarifies the law. Decrees can change the law only if they grants more rights to people like art. 10 of the decree does when describes repatriation of funds.
Judges do not have to follow decrees because they are executive orders or the judge to its employees like AFIP federal agents are.
Judges enforce the law according to the hierarchy of norms established in the Law 48:
"Art. 21. – Los Tribunales y Jueces Nacionales en el ejercicio de sus funciones procederán aplicando la Constitución como ley suprema de la Nación, las leyes que haya sancionado o sancione el Congreso, los Tratados con Naciones extranjeras, las leyes particulares de las Provincias, las leyes generales que han regido anteriormente a la Nación y los principios del derecho de gentes, según lo exijan respectivamente los casos que se sujeten a su conocimiento en el orden de prelación que va establecido".
As you can read, decrees are not there.
However, regarding tax you deal with AFIP and the best strategy is to do not arrive to a situation where you have to give explanations. If you have to, they must follow the decree. This is important because when you go to the judge you say that AFIP violated its duties as public officers because they didn't enforce the decree.
However, how is going AFIP going to enforce this law? They are going to use the database of the blanqueo de capitales because there are almost 117 billion use of money laundering. They are after a 2% of that.
Lawyers and accountants never agree. Lawyers thinks in bulletproof strategies while accountants assume that nobody is going to double check the affidavits.
I should read the whole law and decree but on Monday I start working again in real cases so, meanwhile, I have to write some appeals before Supreme Court.