Argentine Electronic Folklore

NNNaaahhhhh I didn't know!!!! I want to see Tonolec!
But it's the only night of the week I can really relax. Damn.

Charo Bogarin seems to be an incredible character
I like both Onda Vega and Bomba Estereo a lot- But Bomba is from Columbia.
If we are going to include Columbians, then here is one of my faves- although they are often produced, or remixed, by Portenos.
I realized that I hadnt posted any Juana.
Juana Molina kind of invented techno-folk in Argentina.
After a run as the Gilda Radner of Argentina, doing a dozen or two characters on sketch comedy on TV for years, presaging Portlandia by a decade or two, she retreated to her shed in the garden and started looping, singing, strumming, and making music.

I have seen her live a few times, and she is mesmerizing to watch, as she constructs music out of seemingly nothing, alone, weaving a web strand by strand. I have seen her play with a rocking rhythm section, too, and once saw her improvise a soundtrack to a Charlie Chaplin movie as it played.
I saw these guys play live a while ago- they are definitely more at the techno end of things than the folk end, but they are really good, in my opinion.
I cant figure out how to embed a player, even though I know its possible.
Soema- she defies categorization. But she is a gem. From the suburbs, uniquely argentine, world class.
Watch this vid- it starts out slow, in the kitchen, and then, it rocks, like no kitchen I have ever been in.
And here she is onstage, with a band, all professional like-