Argentine + South Carolina Carnal Relations


Mar 25, 2007
Mark Sanford, Republican governor of South Carolina, is the latest US lawmaker involved in a sex scandal. The governor, father of four, has admitted to having an affair with a woman from Argentina. It will be interesting to find out who the woman is and how the whole thing started. It should also be interesting to see if a governor who belongs to a party that advocates family values can survive after this revelation.
I believe that is a photo of India, between Santa Fe and Libertador. I live nearby and that seems to be where it is. The zoo is on the left.
Do you think he rented the flat from one of the apartment rental agencies you read about on this website? Did the landlady return his deposit in time for his flight back? Was the flat clean? Did the ac work? Was it noisy?
or... she could have been at one time or another browsing as a guest on this website? ;-)
Argentine men are clearly not good enough for her so she had to get nothing less than a US Governor but also married with four sons at that. To her I say - Well done! Bravo!! (sarcastic)
sergio said:
Do you think he rented the flat from one of the apartment rental agencies you read about on this website? Did the landlady return his deposit in time for his flight back? Was the flat clean? Did the ac work? Was it noisy?

The world is clamoring to know. Will a platoon of investigative reporters now descend on BsAs? Can a quick buck (or peso) be made by pretending to have inside knowledge of the whole sordid business?
But did he know how safe it was to come to Buenos Aires - A third world city?

And even more importantly, has he left with any spare coins?
this news has not hit the "titulos" in Todos Noticias (TN) yet.
Seems the governor met his Argentine girlfriend on the internet! Could it have been on this website?

Anyway, he's all for the family, apple pie (a little pastel de manzana on occasion) and motherhood: "As a congressman, Sanford voted in favor of three of four articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, citing the need for "moral legitimacy." Source: