I have been to the USA 4 times and my best friend is from the USA negating your comments. Its ironic that people say that someone is anti USA when they post a article critical of government policies there but when they do the same here constantly its completely acceptable .
Argentina is not the only country in the world and there are many worse countries committing human right abuses that now in 2010 are very rare in Argentina. I have seen comments here on Christina Kirchner comparing her to dictators which is absolutely laughable.
Do we have political prisoners, no freedom of the press. war crimes, and a myriad of other issues common in the so called west. The prison population alone of the USA is over 2 million people and 70 percent are for minor crimes .
I find Argentina to have more freedom than anywhere I have lived elsewhere and that includes Europe,Australia and Hong Kong and while life is not perfect it certainly is much better than most foreign and local media commentators are trying to portray.