Arriving BA Nov 2nd, a newby from Milwaukee, WI

Christy Sneide

Oct 2, 2011
Hola Expats!

I am so greatful to find a community of people to converse with and hopefully network with. I am a licensed teacher with a TESOL certification, looking to teach English while living in BaAs. I have been told there are numerous jobs available..(are there?) Of the few contacts I have made, all have said, "call us where you arrive to schedule an interview". I was hoping to set up interviews in advance, but haven't any luck doing this...any advise or feedback about language institutes or schools that hire licensed teachers in BA? In addition, I have a background in telecommunication sales and have been working in business for the past 3.5 years. I would like to untilize my business sales experience in a corporate training environment as well. That's a little bit about me...there is much more, but I'll stop there, for now ;)


Christy Sneide said:
Hola Expats!

I am so greatful to find a community of people to converse with and hopefully network with. I am a licensed teacher with a TESOL certification, looking to teach English while living in BaAs. I have been told there are numerous jobs available..(are there?) Of the few contacts I have made, all have said, "call us where you arrive to schedule an interview". I was hoping to set up interviews in advance, but haven't any luck doing this...any advise or feedback about language institutes or schools that hire licensed teachers in BA? In addition, I have a background in telecommunication sales and have been working in business for the past 3.5 years. I would like to untilize my business sales experience in a corporate training environment as well. That's a little bit about me...there is much more, but I'll stop there, for now ;)



Welcome! You wont have any trouble finding a teaching job.
On another note, I am not sure if The Alamo (a bar) can handle any more Packer fans but lets test the limits! ;)

Another Wisconsinite
Hi Christy,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but finding a job here that pays well enough to make a decent living is not easy. English tachers have an especially tough time. Unless you have a friend/contact at a company who hires you directly, you'll only be able to get teaching jobs at comapnies through ESL institutes who, of course, will take more than their fair share of the pie.