Does anyone know a good and relatively cheap art supply store in the city, preferrably somewhere in Palermo or the Center? Specifically I am looking for card stock, spray photo adhesive, and gel pens.
It would also be great to know where to get pictures printed for cheap but good quality (anyone know if its possible to get fuji archival paper?)
If I can get these supplies, then I hope to start selling some BA photo gift cards. I've had the worst time finding good postcards and cards here, so I'd like to make them available to everyone.
It would also be great to know where to get pictures printed for cheap but good quality (anyone know if its possible to get fuji archival paper?)
If I can get these supplies, then I hope to start selling some BA photo gift cards. I've had the worst time finding good postcards and cards here, so I'd like to make them available to everyone.