Ask for residency - Patria Grande - Extra Mercosur


Jul 31, 2007
Some of you might be aware of this, but citizens of bordering countries that are part of Mercosur are allowed to get residency fairly easily. There is a program called "Patria Grande" in Migraciónes, which allows this fairly easily. Citizens of countries that are not part of Mercosur (called Extra Mercosur), such as those in Europe, United States, etc. have different and more difficult requirements.

I am sure there are some people here such as myself, who would like to live and settle in Argentina forever. I am from the United States and have been here for 1.5 years and never want to leave. I love Argentina!

Would anybody be interested in collectively asking the government to grant us residency under "Patria Grande"? I would say we could go to Plaza de Mayo, stage a peaceful demonstration, and ask that we be allowed to stay and get residency? Make some signs, sing some songs, prove that we will be outstanding citizens and show our love for Argentina? Anybody game?
Interesting (though I assume that David's posting is, at least in part, to spoof the actions last year of some of the many millions of Mexicans -- and others -- illegally residing in the United States). Does dual citizenship with Chile qualify for (hmm . . . what would it be?) triple citizenship with Argentina under a preferential program? (Chile is an "associated" state of the Mercosur, not a fully fledged member.)
RWS - I wouldn't say my suggestion is to spoof Mexicans in the US. I don't live here illegally, I don't work off the books, I have a DNI. I was working for a US based company for a year, and now my visa is about to expire. So I will have to go to colonia and then re-enter until I can find another way to get residency again. My idea is not at all to protest or demand like Mexicans have. I would like to do this as a peaceful demonstration, and ask, and show the benefits of having some of us as immigrants. I want to contribute to Argentina and help progress here.
Davidglen77 said:
RWS - I wouldn't say my suggestion is to spoof Mexicans in the US.
My misimpression, then.

I don't live here illegally, I don't work off the books, I have a DNI.
I never intended to say otherwise.

. . . . My idea is not at all to protest or demand like Mexicans have. I would like to do this as a peaceful demonstration, and ask, and show the benefits of having some of us as immigrants.
Admirable, but not my own style, I fear.

I want to contribute to Argentina and help progress here.
So would I. The best of good fortune to us both.
I'm sure a protest by Americans who want the legal right to live here could be great propaganda for the Kirchners. The media, at least, would have fun covering the story so if you stage your protest, make sure you contact the media first. I'd check with the authorities to make sure that you have the right to show up and demonstrate without some sort of authorization. You wouldn't want to be taken to jail. Aside from demonstrating, why don't you get the attention of a reporter at LA NACION or CLARIN. A story about the topic would be a good start. I would start with the story. A demonstration could be seen as aggressive. After all, as an illegal you shouldn't even be here!
I think you should seriously think twice about staging any kind of demonstration, especially one that would bring attention to your former residency, the USA.
These Argentines have not fully forgiven the almighty USA for so many things, such as " Plan Condor." You should understand that fully before you start asking for favors.
And with the financial crisis in full bloom perpetrated by the "Chicago Ole Boys School, you might just want to pack up an go home quietly.
Sergio, first, I am NOT here illegally. I have temporary residency, DNI, CUIL, etc. I am looking to become a permanent resident in the same way that people from Mercosur countries are allowed to. I am not talking about a protest demanding anything. I am talking about asking in a peaceful way that those of us who want nothing more to do with the US be allowed to settle here permanently. I feel I could contribute a lot to this country, love living here and would like to stay forever. When I think about having to possibly go back to the US I get sick to my stomach. We could show our solidarity for Argentina and ask that we be given residency in that manner. No demands, no yelling, just a peaceful showing of our love for this great country. Anybody else brave enough to speak out in public and possibly change history? If I don't get any other Americans I will do this alone. I also have some friends from here that are willing to support as well.
Sorry but this is has to be one of the worst ideas I've heard in a while. All you will do is call attention to the large number of people who are living in the country who do not have the right to do so. I include in this group thousands who are living there on tourist visas. The only thing you might accomplish is to get yourself and a lot of other people deported. Depending on the government's attitude people who participate in such a demonstration could also end up being in need of medical attention. That assumes there will be time between your arrest and your one way ride to the airport.