Atm Peso Extraction Raised To Arg. $2000 Peso Max???

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Read that the max ATM extraction was raised to $2000 pesos, pre approved clients may get up to $5000 at their bank..!! Question the fee on $1000 peso extraction was about $18 pesos , the current fee is double the previous amount or was it a fixed fee? I don't want to give it a try,,,,jejejej
It was raised to 3000 pesos.

At least mine was. It was 2000 pesos before. But maybe you're talking about withdrawing from a foreign account? I've never paid fees withdrawing from my bank account here.
Does this refer to withdrawals at Banelco and LINK?
The extraction limit is 10.000 pesos in my bank, what are you meaning with the limit?
The extraction limit is 10.000 pesos in my bank, what are you meaning with the limit?

I am referring to local ATM withdrawals form foreign bank accounts, if you have a local bank account and are a good customer your maximum withdrawal may be negotiated. Where do you bank ? a peso Account?

Limits do Exist for ATM Peso withdrawals if you are not a customer of the ATM bank used.

You read the article..? [background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] [/background]http://www.infobae.c...os-cajeros.html
I am referring to local ATM withdrawals form foreign bank accounts, if you have a local bank account and are a good customer your maximum withdrawal may be negotiated. Where do you bank ? a peso Account?

Limits do Exist for ATM Peso withdrawals if you are not a customer of the ATM bank used.

You read the article..? [background=rgb(252,252,252)] [/background]http://www.infobae.c...os-cajeros.html

French bank, pesos account, the limit you can move in the internet page normally at least in my bank, but i don't know about taking pesos from foreing account