Moonwitch said:Rubbish film. And once again another piece of hetrosexual propaganda...
EliA said:IMAX in Vincente Lopez, at least I assume so. I'm unaware of any other 3D venue in the city.
I'm thinking about going Sunday... anyone interested? Later showing since my birthday party is the night before. (First humid birthday of my life!)
dashendeavors said:We'd love to go, but it only seems to be in Castellano. Anyone know of an ENGLISH version? 3-D of course.
orwellian said:Why heterosexual propaganda?
Moonwitch said:I just get bored of watching films about men meeting women, having an experience and then falling in love. It is constantly rammed down our throats and as a homosexual I feel isolated from the mainstream. I don´t want to be a niche. Why can´t I see well rounded homosexual characters in bid budget, mainstream media? It creates a norm that heterosexuality is the only way to be. Music is also guilty of this crime.
But don´t get me wrong I don´t have a problem watching a hetrosexual film, but it would be nice to see a film that wasn´t laced with hetrosexual undertones. And if hetrosexuality is so normal why are we exposed to messages in the media saying that it is 24/7?
orwellian said:But most people are heterosexual. Therefore romantic films tend to be heterosexual orientated. And because of the taboo with homosexuality you won't see it in mainstream culture as often as maybe you should. Although that is slowly changing. Remember Brokeback Mountain?
Lee said:Being gay also I can tell you the reason. Gays are a minority with estimates of 10%. Mainstream movies are made for the majority so you are going to see heterosexuality featured.
I doubt that the movie would have made as much money if the soldier had been gay and fallen in love with an other male interesting as that might have been.