Ba Cast Asks About Stereotypes, Prejudices...

On the same note as Ducha y Bombon Escoces, I always wondered about the origin of Montaña Rusa (rollercoaster)...Any russian in the forum to clarify please?
On the same note as Ducha y Bombon Escoces, I always wondered about the origin of Montaña Rusa (rollercoaster)...Any russian in the forum to clarify please?

I'm not Russian Ferf, but I did know that "Russian Mountains" were the 17th and 18th century forerunners of today's roller coasters. See for more info.
Thanks Camino! I should have gone to Wikipedia first before asking :p
I should have gone to Wikipedia first before asking :p

LOL ... I'd be lost without WikiP!

Back on the main subject of stereotypes, I'm curious about Argentines' attitudes towards Canadians. Out of the forty-odd countries I've visited thus far, there were only a handful in which the locals differentiated us in any meaningful way from our US neighbours. I'm wondering if that's the case in Argentina as well.

PS: Love your podcast btw!
Back on the main subject of stereotypes, I'm curious about Argentines' attitudes towards Canadians. Out of the forty-odd countries I've visited thus far, there were only a handful in which the locals differentiated us in any meaningful way from our US neighbours. I'm wondering if that's the case in Argentina as well.

Sos Canadiense? Uyyy que frio. Todo el anho no? Mucha nieve?

My response is always, actually I'm from Vancouver, winters are like Buenos Aires with more rain.

It's kind of the old no, I do not know how to make nor do I live in an igloo thing. Funny since Argentina for the most part is a very similar climate pattern to Canada (with the exception of the far north) and yet there really is no understanding. However they do almost always say they hear it is beautiful and that it is a country that works and they think you are insane for living here.
When I tell them I am from Ireland they usually say something about being from the "1st world" or a "serious country", little do they know that most people in Ireland consider their politicians to be corrupt incompetents and worse ! Somehow the conversation usually ends up in a recommendation for a good whiskey too, or asking me what I think of the beer in Argentina. I always tell them they have some decent beer but need to work hard on the dairy produce, probably Sancor are too blame for a lot of that. My wife is mortally offended when I tell her the mass produced cheese, milk and butter is pretty 3rd rate. Although she perks up when I agree that the "artesenal" stuff is a lot better.

Strangely most people know that there are "2" Irelands, and want to know why the people in the North haven't kicked out the British yet! Normally ends up in a discussion about that Michael Collins movie and the eehrah (the IRA).

People at home think I am out eating brick sized steaks every night, some of them think we're at the beach every weekend and can't get their heads around the cold water on the coast nor the size of BA province, never mind the country. They also think the food is probably spicey.
Do you guys think that, IN GENERAL, people here know more of your country than your countrymen from Argentina?

When I travelled I had that feeling. Its like Argentina (at least in my experience: Europe and the US) is like some country lost in Africa to us.

I and most of the porteños dont know anything of Benin, for instance, and my feeling was something like I were some Beninese in Buenos Aires.
Do you guys think that, IN GENERAL, people here know more of your country than your countrymen from Argentina?

When I travelled I had that feeling. Its like Argentina (at least in my experience: Europe and the US) is like some country lost in Africa to us.

I and most of the porteños dont know anything of Benin, for instance, and my feeling was something like I were some Beninese in Buenos Aires.

No, definitely not.