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HotYogaTeacher said:Our electric bill here is estimated by our electrician for 2 people in a small apartment with basically the same lifestyle and appliances (because we brought most of them with us) will be around $500 pesos a month. My electric bill in SD was around $50 -75 a month
It really shouldn't be that much. Let us know when you really have a opposed to estimates.
HotYogaTeacher said:I have yet to find an item of clothing sold here that I would pay for or wear but much of what is at the malls is low quality and equal prices to what you get in the states, or more. Especially with the sales in the states right now. The only clothes I've bought since moving here I ordered on line, had sent to my friend's house and had her mail them to me and it was still cheaper than anything of anywhere near the same quality I could have found here, if I were willing to wear any of this stuff.
I shop on ebay and have the items sent to me when I have home exchanges in the US. I also shop at the San Francisco Goodwill and Salavation Army Red Shield Stores. I recently bought a Zegna cashmere sport coat (two button, double vent) for FIVE dollars in SF (but please don't tell anyone)!
HotYogaTeacher said:Our apartment here, in a similar quality of neighborhood as the one we just sold in the states, will have cost us, when the remodel is finished, about $20K less than the one we sold, but it was twice the size as the one here...
My BA apartment in Recoleta would sell for at least $500,000 in SF...and even more in a comparable neighborhood of NYC. (I paid $124,000 two years ago (73 square meters/completely remodeled). It's current resale value probably isn't significantly more than that.
Check it out at www.homeexchange,com # 32432
HotYogaTeacher said:In my opinion if you can live here and afford to spend 1/2 the year living elsewhere, you are in the best situation. To live here exclusively is expensive and hard, FOR ME.
Excuse me, are you whining?