Make them yourself at home. A decent licuado costs around $25 pesos around the Capital. It's absurd. I once ordered a licuado from Havanna and they put 3 tablespoons of maracuyá gel in a blender with a bunch of ice cubes they charged me $22 pesos for this and I raised hell as there was NO FRUIT at all put in the blender. I had to fight to get my money back but they did give it to me with a lousy attitude. Another time on calle Florida I saw them put canned pineapple, canned peaches, a HEAP of sugar and milk in a blender and serve that to someone who asked for a licuado tropical. I thought I was going to barfffff.
Get a juicer or a good blender for around $250 pesos and make them yourself. Now is a good time of year as the strawberries and blueberries are less expensive and plentiful.