battered women

Yes, Redgirl, although you likely are experiencing the worst time of your life, do not hesitate to PM some of the girls on this board (like Roxana who offered the option to you).

You obviously come from an english speaking country (US ? Canada ? UK ? Australia ? ...), do not hesitate to tell us at least from which country you come from, this surely can help bringing more help to you.

Hold on, and do not hesitate to post on this forum. Chances are you might find help in an utterly difficult moment.
Do you know the community called couchsurfing

The group is generally very open and supportive and they are used to offering their spare couch to passer by visitors etc/....
I will send you my contact details by Private mesaage.... and try to connect you...
There is a group called BA emergency Couch, within Couchsurfing, you have to set up a profile and then you can post your request and I think you may have agood response so you have both the govnt option and this one....

the link to the emergency couch request group
All private message features for her profile are disabled so we cannot contact you

Redgirl if you want you can call or text me on 15575 42535.
Also i looked into the couch surfing website it looks nice but you have to pay a fee which i just cannot afford right now. thanks tho
Yes, all the best......

BTW you dont have to pay in couchsurfing... its optional... I ve been a member for ages and i've never been obliged to pay (and have never done so- its a community of souls).......
Hi Redgirl,

I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. There are many of us out here who would like to help you in any way we can. I hope we get a posting from you soon that you have connected with your embassy and are safe. Please let us know what you need as this site is a great resource for us to all help each other in this country.

I look forward to hearing that you are okay. Stay brave, and remember that you are not alone.