Being An Argentine In The Us Is Tough

I am sure they feel very Aryan drinking mate and watching novelas. They would blend in in Austria just fine.
novelas are popular in other countries,in israel,for example,there is 2 channels,dedicated to latin american novels
regarding the mate,you are way off,my polish born grandmather loves mate,does taht make her a latina?my austro hungarian late grandfather,loved mate too,does that make him a latin?
I dont like mate.
So,the drink makes your identity?great,so if i liked coffe,ill be brazilian... :D :D :D
Btw,arabs love mate,they are latins too??? :D :D

What defines Latin is a combination of factors, including the language you speak, your culture and habits. So yes, they are ALSO latinos, no matter how white they might have been.
What defines Latin is a combination of factors, including the language you speak, your culture and habits. So yes, they are ALSO latinos, no matter how white they might have been.
really?well,i speak 5 languages,that makes me multi racial?hahaha
culture?do you think that everybody here shares the same culture?
Latin is what your origins,are.
really?well,i speak 5 languages,that makes me multi racial?hahaha
culture?do you think that everybody here shares the same culture?
Latin is what your origins,are.

Suite yourself.
What defines Latin is a combination of factors, including the language you speak, your culture and habits. So yes, they are ALSO latinos, no matter how white they might have been.

One time I was in the US visiting distant cousins who considered themselves very Latino. They were "bardeando" another cousin for "dating a white girl." Thankfully, I've kept far enough from the US to be affected by this obsession with race, but I have white almost transparent skin so I wasn't sure how to take it. Also, he called himself Latino but could not speak a word of Spanish or even point out our (read: my) country on a map. Whatever. When it comes to ethnicity, people are what they consider themselves to be and that's that.

On that note, pardon my ignorance, but why do people in US need to know what everybody around them "is"?
Cecil Fox: that's a very good question. I think that Americans are preoccupied with identity in general, not just race. Probably because it's a huge country. Everyone wants to be unique among 320 million people and learn what (if anything) makes others unique. This results in some pretty intrusive questioning of strangers, not just about race, but family background/history, lifestyle, etc. Also, in many cases, people ask these questions because they're trying to find common ground. You're Sicilian? My grandma was Sicilian. You're an only child? Me too. This is pure speculation, btw, so other Yanquis should feel free to disagree.