Well, if you dont like my posts or anyone does not like my posts, they can put me on ignore list.
I am not here in a English writing competition. I dont care if there are grammatical mistakes, typos, or if I sound like a "teenager". Some of the members here - their only claim to fame on this planet is their mastery of their native ( English) language. I give a damn! This is a expat fm and not English writing proficiency fm!
As long as the owners of this page have no problem with me, I am doing OK.
I have been on this page for amost 6-7 years and over the years I have indeed added useful posts. I have even replied to your ( yes- your) private messages when you have approached me with questions/advice.
You and 3-4 others have some issue with my posts ( including those who "liked" your post above) - well - they can also put me in their ignore list.
I am not trying to fit "in" with someone like you and your croonies...so dont think so highly of yourself.
If you are offended with my comments in reference to the LGBT community or /and to any political party - instead of trying to wage a war with me via the keyboard - why dont you go and fight real/physical people out in demonstrations and have your say and take out your frustrations instead of attacking me here - a unknown person. Go and do it REAL with real people.
I commented "very sad day" to a news item posted by another memebr - with no reference to you and you decided to troll me and look at your damn audacity - you are calling me a troll!!!!

- Now you can post another nasty message below and continue to call me a "troll" and take out yr life frustrations on me!!