Nativexpat, just a few suggestions...
When you use speedtest you might want to pick a server in Europe so you get more realistic results from your connection from Palermo to Europe. If you pick to test against the Buenos Aires server (or any server in Argentina) you will be testing on the national network, which is *faster* than international connections. Since you're going to be working with Europe mainly, you want to test with servers there.
Your download speed is good. But video you *transmit* in iChat and Skype might be affected by your upload speed which is on the slow side. Unfortunately, looking at other speedtests, most internet providers in Argentina offer only slow upload speeds. But that may be sufficient enough. Insted of finding someone in Palermo to test with, try to find someone in Europe to test iChat and skype voice/video with. That ultimately will be the best test to your applications.
If the upload speed does becomes an issue, see if any of the local Internet providers offer a "business class" Internet service with better upload rates than their consumer products.
Ping can be used to measure latency on a network connection. The higher the number the slower the connection.
Good luck!
ps: You'll often get better speeds if you eliminate WiFi and connect directly to the modem via Ethernet or USB. Common sense, but can make a big difference if your far away from your WiFi router or there is a lot of radio "noise" in your neighborhood.
nativexpat said:
I am in Palermo Chico, is there a forum member nearby to take the speedtest as well?