Best Investment 2012... Hoarding Supermarket Products..!!

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Hoarding wholesale Super market prods. can give you a 50% yearly gain....!! specially wines and spirits up to 50 %, whiskies, 200 %.. Double than CD's, better than the Blue dollar... You have a free room to store products??


Lo hacen quienes tienen bauleras o alguna habitación libre. Y si la compra se hace al por mayor, la ganancia puede superar el 50% anual”, explicó Litvinoff. Basta saber que, según relevamientos privados, rubros como limpieza, alimentos secos, bebidas alcohólicas y golosinas subieron por encima del 25% en 2012.

Las bebidas alcohólicas finas se destacan entre los productos más rendidores con el paso del tiempo, porque son fáciles de conservar y se encarecen fuerte.

Los vinos tintos de alta gama, hoy desde $ 50 por botella, aumentaron del 30% al 50% el año pasado. Y aún así, su consumo viene creciendo un 17% cada año, según la consultora Claves ICSA.

El whisky importado premium, en tanto, promete ganancias aún mayores, con botellas que el año pasado se apreciaron un 200%.
Not so fast If inflation is 25% here you will be buying 25% less with the same amount of money in 1 year

Indeed if you kept your money under the mattress, On the other hand In One Year the hoarded supermarket products you have are worth 50% more money if sold.
Indeed. The Carrefour weekend specials buy 1 get the 2nd 70% (now down to 50% off on the 2nd, though) maximum 3 (3x2=6) has saved me a significant amount of money over the year...
Indeed. The Carrefour weekend specials buy 1 get the 2nd 70% (now down to 50% off on the 2nd, though) maximum 3 (3x2=6) has saved me a significant amount of money over the year...

Coto occasionally does a similar offer W e try and hoard but we usually end up a little drunk.......
Jumbo makes also promotions with 100% coupons, but most of the products are so expensive that you need to select what you buy.

Diarco is a kind of semi-mayorista place ( They have two POS along the Panamericana Norte. Quite cheap.
They also have a store in Barracas. Can be worth it to pay a visit.
If you have a big freezer you can also invest in facturas. They actually taste great if you pop them in the oven for a minute (or a dutch oven on the stove).
Check Vital wholesale market in capital , in Abasto Area
Hoarding wholesale Super market prods. can give you a 50% yearly gain....!! specially wines and spirits up to 50 %, whiskies, 200 %.... Las bebidas alcohólicas finas se destacan entre los productos más rendidores con el paso del tiempo, porque son fáciles de conservar y se encarecen fuerte. ...
El whisky importado premium, en tanto, promete ganancias aún mayores, con botellas que el año pasado se apreciaron un 200%.
You bet. I bought a bottle of Havana Club Anejo today: 71 pesos :eek:
2 months ago it was 55. 29 percent interest in 2 months!