Best Japanese Food Outside Of Japan (So Far...:)

My next trip, will be bringing the super healthy and delicious Organic Nattos for :
Juanito-san and if Joe-san can stomach it,then him too! Plus needing to borrow a kitchen place
and a deep pan so to cook my fabled Japanese~styled Curry, beef/pork/chicken or sea food.

Also preparing the finger licking Gyoza pot stickers with lots of garlic in its wrapping!
My next trip, will be bringing the super healthy and delicious Organic Nattos for :
Juanito-san and if Joe-san can stomach it,then him too! Plus needing to borrow a kitchen place
and a deep pan so to cook my fabled Japanese~styled Curry, beef/pork/chicken or sea food.

Also preparing the finger licking Gyoza pot stickers with lots of garlic in its wrapping!

Def my kitchen is open for curry :)
Reminds me of the bento place I had on the corner where I lived just close to Makuharihongo station... Karaage bento, terikyaki bento and of course the ''curry raisu'' - yum :) FOOD was never an issue when I got home from work :) Bento joint on one corner, sushi joint on the other corner, the third corner had a great local bar and I can't remember what was on the fourth corner because the other three kept me busy :)

BTW - hybrid ambassador - my kitchen is DEFINITELY available to you if you are going to do all the food you just mentioned - yum :) Oishi desu yo ;)
BA expats, do you gents and ladies know why the Japanese people are all full of smiles?
Because we eat well and healthy ! One have to fill the stomach first in order to do good deeds
and bringing love and happiness to the world..!

When eating Japanese gastronomy,the fabulous dishes, delicious and organic, thousand of dishes available
one can grow to live past the 90's So if you want longevity in your life, eat well,eat Japanese!
I prepare all my plates in paleotic ways. The sea foods, the noodles, be them made out of wheat or
backwheats, the meats,the poultrys, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl etc.
Bake them, Broil them, Tempura fry them, or simmer them in a pot etc.etc.Or make the Sashimi or Sushi..

The secret to a fabulous Sushi, is the "rice vinegrette" you have to prepare the "marinade" consisting
of : Sake wine, Sake Mirin, Brown sugar or honey, then blend it in with the "dashi" which all combined,will give you the "Umami" then sprinkle the seasoned liquid on the steaming rice..Don't forget to fan the vinegar portion out whilst at it..

Then I can prepare the "eel" for donburi topping or just for the Niguiri or Makimono..If Argie custom letting me bringing in all necessary ingredients for cooking or preparing there in Bs As, you gents and ladies shall have my culinary expertise offerings for quite a bunch of you!

Then not to forgwet the "Tamago-yaki", it takes finess in making that famous Japanese omelette but perhaps Juanito-san can explain it to you the mortal souls, how delicious that is! So Argentina, here I come _muy pronto_
Ha,ha,ha,haaa.. But hoping LAN chile won't lose my luggage this time out, without the ingredients can not do the Japanese gastronomy!
Reminds me of the bento place I had on the corner where I lived just close to Makuharihongo station... Karaage bento, terikyaki bento and of course the ''curry raisu'' - yum :) FOOD was never an issue when I got home from work :) Bento joint on one corner, sushi joint on the other corner, the third corner had a great local bar and I can't remember what was on the fourth corner because the other three kept me busy :)

BTW - hybrid ambassador - my kitchen is DEFINITELY available to you if you are going to do all the food you just mentioned - yum :) Oishi desu yo ;)

Yeah the Bento places all over Japan. If one can not find the Bentou vending place then enter any "convenience store" populated and incorporated in all over Japan, there you can procure any kind of hot foods.
No need for you to cook ! They are readily made and all sorts of variety mind you..I knew of Foreigners that 'cause lack of language skill, they were eating out every day at the "Convi-stores" or at the fast food chain and eating the Sukiyaki sliced beefs on top of steamed rice, called the "Gyu-dons"..Under US$4.00 !
You can buy Nattō in the more westerly Casa China on Arribeños. It's in the freezer section at the back in small plastic containers.
Far out - I *have* to do it :) Its been years...:) I have to find out what sake that resto around the corner was serving as well - not only was the food amazing the sake - it was good - and I mean *really* good... (and served at the perfect temperature as well :)