Best way to pay for things...

Ok thanks for the info guys.
I've talked to the bank about it and they suggested i get whats called a travel card..basically its like a pre-paid credit card, that i can use in BsAs and I've been told if i use my card to pay for things i will not be charged a fee the only time i will be charged a fee is if i withdraw cash...which seems about he same as what happens here.

Im always worried about having to show I.D because none of the pictures look very much like me! but the signature is the same always, obviously so that hopefully wont be a problem.

katti said:
I find this "having to have cash" the hardest thing to adapt to.

I can see this as being one of the hardest things for me to deal with aswell I just never have any cash on me i pay for literally everything on my card even something thats $5!! its sooo much easier ...but i guess i'll have to make peace with it and carry some money after all.. :p
(mode = teaching granny to suck eggs)

Do ask your bank how they support you if your travel card gets -ahem - 'lost' or corrupted so it won't work. And make sure you have alternative ways of getting hold of money, just in case.
mendozanow said:
If you plan to buy with cash always ask for a discount, it is the practice here. You should get anywhere from 5 to 10 %, maybe more if you are lucky.

Yes you can easily get a discount when you pay cash... 10% is normal! So when you buy something slightly more expensive it's really worth having the cash!

The discount can even be more if you offer dollars instead of pesos.
elhombresinnombre said:
(mode = teaching granny to suck eggs)

Do ask your bank how they support you if your travel card gets -ahem - 'lost' or corrupted so it won't work. And make sure you have alternative ways of getting hold of money, just in case.

Well there giving me 2 cards each with a diffrent PIN, so if one somehow mysteriously disappears i can contact them and they will cancel the one that got stolen/lost and then i can use the other one...if i lose the back-up one though i might be screwed...lets just hope that situation never presents itself.
I stopped carrying cards when I had my wallet pick-pocketed with 4 cards in it. What a pain in the ass. Now I just carry a respectable amount of cash on me instead. Only problem is if I see some clothing or other "big" purchase that I like, I have to go home and get a card or more cash.
COTO (a popular supermarket chain here) always asks you for ID. Don't have local ID? They want a passport. Not carrying a passport on me at all times, I show them a driver's license from my home country. Invariably, that prompts a hesitant look, and call to a supervisor who decides to OK it - often warning you to bring a passport next time (this happened quite a few times). After a while, it's not worth time and annoyance. Use cash, or carry ID that won't get you stuck places.