Better to be illegal in USA than stay here?


Mar 25, 2007
A friend is successful here with his own business but on the verge of a breakdown due to all the stress coming from regulations, taxes, controls, restrictions, etc. He's actually thinking it might be better to be illegal in the US. Any advice?
If your friend wants to avoid stress, being an illegal in the US is not a good way to do that. It's extremely stressful to live as an illegal in the US right now, as they've really been cracking down on illegal immigration. However, if he really wants to live in the US, he can try the green card lottery (which is not as crazy or difficult as you think!), or he can start a business (actually quite easy for a foreigner) in the US, and every six months leave the country and then return. I know some Argentines that live here illegally and are doing well for themselves, but they can't really leave the country because they won't be able to come back for ten years since they let their visa expire without leaving. That's another thing--let your visa expire without returning home and they don't let you come back for another ten years.
Smart girl :)
Being illegal can't be a good move unless you're desperate. If your friend is successful here he can find other options that do not involve jail as a possibility. If he starts a business somewhere else he's bound to leave a footprint.

No way to raise a family.
If he is successful he should have plenty of options vs. living illegally anywhere but especially the USA. Maybe he has relatives originally from Europe and can get an EU passport? Admittedly, Europe is a total mess but there are more opportunities there with a higher quality of live vs. Argentina, IMHO.

If he is from Argentina he should have a fairly easy time moving to another Mercosur country in South America. There are PLENTY of opportunities if he is smart and successful in building another business in South America in a more pro-friendly business environment (which pretty much includes any other country in South America vs Argentina).

Living illegal in the USA is NO way to live. If he gets caught, it will pretty much blow his chances of ever legally living in the USA in the future or even visiting it.

Much better options out there for someone "successful".
Maybe your Argentine friend does not understand that living illegally in the US is not the same as living with an irregular status here in Argentina. In the US, there are actual consequnces whereas here you just pay a meager fee and get it over with.

Living illegally anywhere, or doing anything illegal equals to stress for me. Granted I have never lived anywhere illegally but just thinking about it right now sounds like a terrible idea to reduce stress.

Its a no no to living illegally in the US. If he has money, then he can actually move there legally. You need half a million dollars, and create 5 American/permanent resident jobs or a million dollars and create 10 American/permanent resident jobs, then you can move to the US on a permanent basis legally. Gotta jump through hoops of course. But that's a possibility.

If your friend doesn't have that kind of money, then the lottery is an option but for 110,000 people that are notified of their winning (only 55000 green cards are issued though because they think a lot of the people will either not pursue or won't qualify), millions of people apply.

Anyway, there are a lot of ways to move to the US, most of them temporary. Just tell your friend to not do anything illegal, he'll regret it.
cab driver last week told me he was deported from minnesota after spending forty days in the can. three children and a snow plow business. he said he would go back soon, via mexico.
That's a HORRIBLE idea. Of all the places to be illegal, the U.S. is at the bottom of the list.
He makes a good living for an Argentine but under tremendous stress due to current conditions. He sees no future here. I don't think he has half a million dollars free to start a business. He has thought of other Latin American countries but doesn't really like the idea. He feels comfortable in the US, respects the culture and wants to be a part of it. I doubt he'd really live there as an illegal but I think he is reaching a breaking point where he just can't take much more of Argentina. Aside from the Green Card lottery, there seem to be few options. What I don't get it how there are so many taxi drivers from third world countries in the US -- how did they ever get visas? If they can get in, why can't an Argentine who has a reasonable amount of money, education and an affinity for the US not have an equal chance?
Tell your Argentine friend to move across the river to Uruguay, tranport his business there or start it again, save his money in Dollars, then move to the US legally if he's that determined to go.

Though, be carefull what you wish for. It's not all ice cream and roses anywhere. I bet after the honeymoon wears off he'll find a thousand things to b*tch about there, too.