Bienes Personales


Oct 9, 2019
Apparently there is a new ruling about property in Buenos Aires regarding paying Bienes. Does anybody know about this? I heard there is a deadline coming up and there may be penalties if you miss it. Anyone head of this?
Bienes Personales is not new, nor are the penalties. If you own real estate or even a car, bike or household furniture in Argentina, you have a liability to file Bienes Personales and pay taxes if the value is over a certain amount. Likewise if you are an Argentine tax resident and own real estate abroad, you also need to include these in your filings along with any foreign bank account balances, investment funds, cash, shares etc.

The recent issue in the city of Buenos Aires I heard about is that AFIP have reclassified how real estate in CABA shall be valued to calculate the Bienes Personales tax due - this means properties are now valued at 500%+ more than they were up until last year pushing around 200.000 more apartments in CABA into the taxable bracket (ARS6mm for secondary properties and ARS 30mm for the primary family home) as well as increasing the total tax due.

thanks , yes i was saying it until the pandemic then i was told i didn't need too- can you pay it online now? Any accountants on this thread?